Chapter 28: Leap Of Faith

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I look into John’s eyes. “So you two are telling me, that Billy and my daughter Isabella cannot get married in a few months because Isabella is already married to Angel. We’re talking about the same Isabella and the same gang member Angel right?” We both nod our heads although we know John saw it without his eyes. He’s still turned around looking out his window into the backyard with the day light still lighting up the sky. I'm feeling like he’s going to unleash his anger any minute, however it never came. “From what I know Sir, that would make her marriage with Billy impossible. Making her….” John finishes Charlie’s sentence “Impure.”. Charlie just slowly nods his head even though John still can’t see us. John lets out a very stressed out sigh. “Kat, your staying here with me. Billy should be here any minute. You both still need to train even if you wont be protecting Isabella.” He finally turns around looking for my approval. “Yes Sir.” I look at my hands in my lap. “Charlie thank you so much for being loyal, unlike Angelus. Please send him down here.” Charlie gives me a look of almost sympathy but was quick to speak when spoken to “Yes Sir.” With that Charlie leaves closing the door behind him. “Kat. I don’t know what I am going to do. I can’t believe I been betrayed by two people who were close to me. Who I expected their loyalty.” I bite my lip feeling bad for John “Is there any way to bind the two gangs together without marriage? Because obviously there’s no way out of what Isabella did.” I ask half heartedly hoping that Billy can’t get married to the girl he wants and the other half hoping that there’s a way for them to be together. John turns around looking at me “Kat, you are brilliant my girl!” He comes up to me giving me a hug out of excitement. I gladly accept and it felt like something that I been longing, something that I been missing. I grin feeling proud of myself, John was quick to let go of me clearing his throat and fixing his tie “Oh I'm so sorry, that was very unprofessional.”. I can only grin at John “That’s completely fine John.” Then there was the knock on the door that I kind of been dreading. We both turn around as John says “Come in.” with that the door opens and it reveals Angel. I sit down back in my seat feeling a little intimidated with the Angel’s presence. “You wanted to see me John?” I can feel John’s physical aura begin to change from peace to the brink of chaos. “Yes please sit Angelus.” Without any words Angel comes to sit beside me with his gaze burning through my entire body practically begging me to look at him. “How loyal are you to me Angelus? Remember, you took an oath of blood to being honest and loyal to your leader.” Angel spoke with such certainty and pride that if I was eating I would of choked. I just gawked at him thankfully my mouth not dropping open. John was quick like a bullet and grabbed Angel by his jacket and like the bullet he was he was quick to push Angel up against the wall. “Tell me Angelus, enlighten me. Why would you lie to me? Or is Kat the untruthful one?” although I know the truth I felt nervous as if I was next, but I assured myself that I was good. Angel gave me a quick look of betray mixed with anger however John got in his vision blocking me from it “Don’t look at her.” I can practically hear him saying that with gritted teeth. “You eloped with my daughter.” Angel stayed quiet with this new information that I'm guessing he was hoping his boss would never say to him. When Angel didn’t answer John pulled him quick and then pushed him against the wall harder than before. “Answer you bastard!” Angel looked at John as if he’s going to pass out any second “Yes. We ran away and got married. But she left me.” I looked at him with awe feeling guilty. John however was feeling anything but guilt towards Angel. He pushed Angel to the ground and he hit it with a ‘thud’, Angel’s eyes stayed closed for a little bit and I instantly knew. Concussion. John leans over Angel and glares at him like any real father would when they hear his only remaining daughter got eloped with his trusted ‘friend’. I look down at my hands not bearing to watch any more of this. “You have betrayed me and this gang, tell me why I shouldn’t dispose of you.” I finally grab enough courage to look at Angel in his eyes as he looks at John. “If you want her alive you would have to keep me alive as well. I have connections and I know why they want her John.” He motions his head towards me as he started to speak. With that he looks me dead straight in my eyes with an evil grin “He’s coming for you Kat. He knows where you are, he’s just patiently waiting for your return.” I shake my head tears brimming my eyes. John’s head bounced back and forth from me to Angel multiple times until he finally punches Angel knocking him out cold. “Kat with that being said, you cannot get out of sight of Charlie. However now I'm assigning both Nate and Skate to you. Be smart, don’t get our most prized member caught.” I nod my head slowly “Yes John.” John goes over to his desk and reaches under his desk. As soon as he stood up straight two men in all black suits come out from the door that I walked in with Charlie earlier. One extremely tall and another short. “Fabian, Chris. Please take our new ‘friend’ to the playroom.” They both nod and without a word grab the unconscious Angelus and leave. I take a deep breath of air and sighing it out “John, why does trouble follow me?” I look at him seriously questioning why I shouldn’t leave this place. He chuckles lightly “Love, trouble follows all the best people. I had a wife once you know. Her eyes caught me in a trance that I wished I could never leave from. She fought with me in this life, we even planned to retire from all of this. But one day she was gone, without a word. My other daughter as well. She was kidnapped at such a young age not long after my wife disappeared. She was such a bright, smart and beautiful girl. I thought I lost the world, but there was Isabella. Always putting a smile on her dads face.” He smiles sadly, I can feel the ache for John. Losing so many people close to him, reminds me of Billy. We get interrupted by a knock on the door and we both look towards it. “Come in.” John said loud enough for whoever it is on the other side to hear. The door opens revealing the devil himself with one of the guys in the black suit who carried Angel out. “Oh Billy! Oh- are you alright son? Let me guess you got into the fight with Angel?” Billy walks inside with Chris closing the door after him. He’s wearing a white wife beater with his brown leather jacket and blue jeans. As good as he looks I can see more bruises on his face, one on his eye, on his cheek and one by his lip. Billy comes to sit down next to me where Angel and Charlie were sitting previously. I look down in my lap while John spoke to Billy about the situation. 
“Billy, Isabella is already married to Angel. Now that is very good news to both of you because that means the court can now view Kat as the potential candidate.” I felt John being genuinely happy for us but I hear the confusion in his voice when neither of us reply. “You had to rip away the one thing from me, didn’t you Kat?” I look at him trying to keep myself in check “Billy, I didn-” I'm being cut off before I can get anymore words out “Shut the fuck up Kat, I told you earlier that I didn’t want you and that I'm with Isabella. You had to fuck it up. Of course you did, you’re the fucking Siren. Always fucking shit up, it is your specialty of course.” He scoffs and stands up in anger. I look up and see John’s mouth gaped open watching this soap opera in front of him, I finally put my gaze on Billy who’s eyes are no longer blue but almost black from rage. “Billy, I promise I had nothing to gain from this information!” I calmly spoke but loud enough for him to check himself before he ends up wrecking himself. “Oh of course you had something to gain from this! You wanted me all to yourself! You selfish brat!” This is where the Siren rage begins and I start yelling at him. “I hate you so tell me why I would want you to be in a happy loving relationship or to be with you! I would rather you stay with her and get fucked over Billy! I fucking I hate you Billy!” I then run out of the office and up the stairs to my room. I lock the door behind me and go into the closet grabbing a small bag. I start packing what I mainly had with myself and then a few clothes from the closet. God knows I’ll need it. Opening the window I look down, thankfully there’s a tree that I can hop on but if I miss I’ll be in a much rougher state than I already am in. I throw the bag over my shoulder so it hangs across my body. There’s a small ledge enough for me to stand on. I slightly turn around to close the window behind me and when it’s closed I look in front of me. There’s about a meter of empty space separating me from the tree branch. I take a deep breath and take a leap of faith that I was hoping wouldn’t get me in too much shit. 
Thankfully with that leap, I made it. I grabbed onto the branch taking a deep sigh of relief when I don’t hear the branch breaking underneath me or me falling to the ground. I quickly shimmy up the branch and safely make my way down the tree. Once I land safely on the ground I take off running. There’s a forest not far from here so I make a jet for it, as soon as they know I'm missing that they will come for me. I have to leave, I am done with everything. I run as far as my feet can take me, there’s only one place I can think of that I will be the safest. 
I been running for what seems like ever I take a small break and trying to take deep breaths to even my breathing. It shouldn’t be long from now until I reach their house. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them so it would be cool to have a small reunion. I knock on the door but immediately I heard the click of a gun. “Who is it?” I heard the rough voice but intimidated I answered back “It’s Kat, Harrington.” The door creaks open just slightly enough to reveal Hopper’s face. His eyes look around and spoke quietly “Come on in. Were you followed?” I shake my head “No, I made sure.” He nods his head closing the door, I heard multiple chains and noises but quickly he opened up the door ushering me in. I get inside as he closes the door behind me, I turn around to look at him once he’s done locking up the door. Hopper turns around to face me and engulfs me in a hug. “You okay kiddo?” I let the tears roll “The lab is after me. My mom told me my real dad works with them and Steve’s dad called them on me the other day. Hopper I don’t know what to do, I know they’re searching for me.” I cant tell Hopper the whole truth, my heart shattered in millions of pieces turned into dust and that I'm having trouble in gang city. “Wait, your not the real kid of Greg and Denise?” He pulls me away from him his hands on my arms looking at me. I shake my head “No, ‘Greg’ made that really clear one night and well Denise told me about my real mom’s death and my real dad working with some sort of government officials.” I look away from Hopper and turn to see something from the corner of my eyes. I wipe my tears and look at Eleven. “Hey sweet girl, how you been?” Hopper lets go of his hands on me and I wave over at her with a smile but she sensed something was off. She walks up to me looking exactly like she did when I last saw her months ago however her curly hair longer than before. “Water.” She stated as she pointed to my eyes. I nod my head knowing she’s still in a learning stage. “They’re called tears. Sometimes when people are sad tears come from their eyes.” She comes up to me hugging me like Hopper did. I smile at this little action, I give her a tight squeeze “How about we watch some television Elle ?” she nods her head she walks towards the couch and sits down. I look at Hopper giving him a small smile “Kat?” I nod my head and stay in my spot. “What do you know about your parents?” I cross my arms across my chest “Well Denise said my mom had an accident, apparently she drove her car off the cliffs into the Hawkins lake. As for my dad, he worked for the government she wasn’t sure whether he worked as a spy from another town or for the lab here in Hawkins but one thing she was sure of is they didn’t want me near him. But now that I think of that, I don’t know who she meant by they…” I see his face contort “So how did you end up with the Harrington’s ?” I sigh before I spoke “My aunt Sarah’s sister in law was my mom, word got out and well the Harrington’s took me in.” he nods his head taking in this information he grabs his jacket and hat and came back standing by the door. “I’ll be right back, I promise you I’ll find out why the lab is looking for you Kat. As of now you stay here, no school for you and take care of Eleven while I'm gone.” I nod my head, Hopper spoke now putting his attention to Elle. “Remember the rules.” she turned towards us as Hopper began to speak also giving me attention about what he’s going to say. “Rule 1: Always keep curtains drawn. Rule 2: Only open door when you hear my secret knock. Rule 3: Never go outside alone, especially not at in the daylight.” I nod “Understandable. See you later Hopper.” He tips his hat at us before he opens the door “I’ll be back soon.” With that he leaves me and Eleven in silence. I look at her and send her a smile. I walk towards her and hop onto to the couch beside Eleven. We sit watching some movies but eventually we both fall asleep.

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