Chapter 17: Broken Promises

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Everywhere was dark but I was running, the kind of running where no matter how much you try to run away you can never get away fast enough. The voice booms from everywhere I'm not quite sure where it’s coming from but I didn’t pay so much attention to that but instead of what it was telling me. The voice was deep, dark, speaking with such certainty to me. “There’s always a second chance that life offers you, and that chance is called tomorrow.”, I stop running curious as to who was talking to me. “Who are you?” I screamed out but then suddenly I'm tackled to the ground and I felt my  body being ripped and opened up. Out of the blue I heard a whisper in my ear “I'm closer than you think.”. I instantly woke up in a state of panic breathing heavily and sitting up as soon as my eyes opened. My dreams have been getting too real lately. I started feeling dizzy and light headed so I try to slow my breathing down by breathing in, holding it for 5 seconds and breathing out and repeating until I calmed down from my nightmare. I still felt dizzy but ignored it turning and putting my attention to Billy who’s sleeping ever so peacefully. He was sleeping on his stomach, his face on the side but facing towards me and I didn’t notice this until now but he was shirtless thankfully his blanket covering him from the waist down. The sun peaks through the blinds hitting his face perfectly, his curls messy but somehow still flawless. “Stop staring, I could practically feel you burning a hole through my head.” Instead of turning my attention away and try to be a sly fox I keep my eyes on his and thank god I did. Billy’s eyes peak through his gorgeous lashes that any girl would be jealous of and his blue eyes looking different than any other time of the day. It was a shade of blue I haven’t quite seen yet so light blue yet so vibrant and innocent. His eyes stay connected to mine “Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep ?” he opens his mouth and lets out a tiny yawn but as soon as he was done his eyes reconnected with mine yet again. I stretch and think about my sleep as I speak “Pretty good to be honest, I did have a nightmare but that’s nothing new. What about you Billy ?” he turns his body around so he’s laying on his back and he starts to stretch his muscles popping and expanding as he does so. I couldn’t take my eyes off him but it didn’t last long. He stopped and started talking “I slept great, haven’t had that in a long time in all honesty.” My guilty conscious comes back to haunt me once more as I accidently stumbled across the thought of what is about to come this morning. I see Billy as he notices my reaction, his face filled with concern “What’s wrong princess?” I smile a sincere smile “Billy, I have to tell you something.” My palms start sweating and my stomach starts to knot, I have been really good with not letting my conscious get in the way of my job as a Siren, but for some reason my connection with Billy is changing that.  “I…., I’m…. Not the person you think I am.” His face changes as soon as I said that, his sincere smile drops and exchanged in it’s place his face turns cold and sour. He turns on his side, props his elbow up holding his upper half up. “What do you mean by that ?” his voice serious and on the edge of dangerous but I can sense that he’s trying to keep that at bay with me. “I’m-” I began to speak but get interrupted by my phone ringing that I keep with me only as emergencies ever since I became a Siren. I look at Billy with a apologetic look and walk over to my clothes still hobbling since what happened last night. I pick up the blocky phone and pull up the antenna for better signal and answer. “Good morning.” I speak into the phone not yet trying to reveal my identity through a phone call in front of Billy. “Good morning my Siren!” the voice sounded very cheery but I already knew who this was before they called. “Hey, how are you ? Sorry I had to leave last night before reporting back to you. There was interference.” I spoke with confidence as a Siren but felt the nervousness in my stomach as Kat. “Yes, I heard I am so sorry about that. But I need you to come meet us at the Bulldog Bar we have very important matters to discuss with you.” Yeah, to meet your son is what you call important matters. “What time do you need me there ?” I masked my voice trying to act happy. “I know you have impeccable timing, be there for 11:30 am.” I take a breath “I’ll be there. I have to go now but I’ll see you gentlemen then.”  I could hear practically see the grin on his face. “See you soon.” Then he hung up before I could, I slam the antenna down and throw the phone on top of my clothes. I have to grow some balls and face them, this won’t go away by itself. I look at my watch and see it’s 10:34 am. I turn around and see Billy is already up and grabbing his clothes “Hey Billy, can you drop me off at Melvald’s General store ?” he leans against the frame of the door “Sure, I’ll be right back just gonna take a quick shower then we can leave.” His face nonchalant but before I could study it any longer he turns around but before he leaves his room, Billy opens the door stopping in his tracks. Not even turning around he starts speaking “Keep the clothes, I don’t want you to wear what you were wearing last night during the day. And, they look better on you.” He walks out closing the door behind him. All I could think of in the time he was gone is, how he will react when he sees that I am the Siren. I laid back on his bed and lifted my shirt up seeing the gauze Billy wrapped perfectly intact but old and new blood soaked through it. Thankfully Billy taped the top of the gauze so I'm guessing it won’t soak through his shirt. I leave it on instead of changing it now, knowing I’ll change it at the bar. Closing my eyes I relax feeling my energy drain, my body feeling sore as hell, my ribs still hurting and pain from this stab wound. What felt like hours in reality was only a few minutes, I felt hands on my arms and the slight shaking motion. “Princess, wake up.” I open my eyes, the first thing I see is blue eyes. Yawning I rub my eyes and stretch but instantly feel the burning sensation in my stomach which causes me to go into a fetal position while Billy is hovering above me. “Hey! Kat what’s wrong?!” Billy was yelling his voice filled with worry. It felt like my stomach was being cut open. “Your still bleeding..” that made me look down at my stomach through watery eyes I see the gauze completely soaked with blood and leaking through the tape. I push Billy off of me gently and stand up “Billy, we have to leave now.” He nods standing up in front of me. “Okay here let me carry you to the car and we can get to the hospital faster.” I shake my head the tears running down my face. “No, Bulldog Bar.” His face scrunches up really confused as to why I want to go to a bar instead of a hospital. I hold onto Billy’s biceps and look at him in the eyes “Just trust me, please.” I felt myself get incredibly weak and my legs gave in underneath me. I was expecting to welcome to floor with my body however Billy was faster as he held onto my waist before that could happen. I felt Billy’s arms snake its way under my knees and behind my back lifting me up bridal style in his arms. “Keep your eyes open, your going to be okay princess.” It sounded like he was telling himself more than he was telling me. Opening my eyes as I felt him starting to fast walk out of the house. “Okay blue eyes.”. Walking out the door and down the stairs, as he went down the stairs I whimpered feeling the pain. “Sorry...” He mumbled feeling bad for causing me pain. “It’s okay.” He somehow opens the passenger door and carefully puts me inside then closes the door seeing that I'm okay. Shortly after he gets in and starts the car, we speed away to the Bulldog Bar thankfully not getting pulled over by the cops. I pull my legs up and get into a fetal position but body facing towards Billy, which I know is probably the worst idea but I do it anyways trying to get somewhat comfortable. We were quiet on the way there however Billy started speaking to himself “How could I be so stupid?.....” I stop staring at the road ahead of me and look over at him. “What ?” I see the tears rolling down his cheek and through the pain I hold back any sounds but a few tears escape as I lean closer to wipe away his tears. His eyes break contact with the road for a split second, he takes a hand and brings it up to my face wiping away my tears as well but he keeps his there rubbing the skin back and forth in a soothing way. His eyes go back to the road and then back to mine for a few short seconds. “I should of brought you to the hospital, I don’t know why I didn’t. You,. You looked okay… I thought you were okay.” I lean into his hand closing my eyes “We’re almost there.” I try to reassure him, emphases on try. Opening my eyes again I see his eyes already on me “Keep your eyes on the road lover boy.” I chuckle trying to lighten the mood which works, even get him to smile but that drops as soon as I hiss holding my stomach. “Please hurry Billy.” His hand leaves the side of my face and is back on the wheel, I feel the car slightly jump from Billy pushing his feet down more on the gas. In a matter of minutes we’re on the Bulldog Bar street and Billy pulls into the back of the bar, the car skirting to a stop by the back entrance. I open the door and get out of the car, with all my might I manage to hold myself up. “Kat you shouldn’t-” I cut Billy off “I will be fine.” Billy locks the door to his car and we walk to the back door that leads to a hallway straight to the bar and as soon as you walk through the back door there’s a stair case that leads up to the meeting room. I turn around to face Billy before I open the back door “Billy I need you to go up stairs first. I promise I’ll be behind you but they can’t see us together.” As confused as ever his eyebrows scrunch yet again “Why don’t you tell me why we’re here in the first place.” I can feel Billy starting to get a bit mad. “Everything will be clear soon.” I told him with sincerity in my voice however Billy rolls his eyes obviously upset with my answer but he heads upstairs anyways. Once I hear that he arrived upstairs and I heard the rows of “Hey it’s Billy.” Then finally it clicked in my head, I got hurt and they promised that nothing would happen to me which angered me and got my blood boiling, then I head up the stairs ready to face the music. I see the door at the end of the stairs and whip it open my eyes red. I see the velvet seats filled with members but in the middle of the room stood Billy, Neil and John “Look who’s here boys!” Neil spoke and looked happy at first but then saw the anger in my face. “What’s wrong Siren?” John asked me which the look on Billy’s face broke a piece of my heart but I ignore him at the moment walking up to the two bosses. “You promised me protection last night.” They look at each other concerned but then look back at me. Neil spoke up “But of course you were, we had eyes everywhere and had men around you at all times.” I start laughing but then evil entered my eyes as I stopped. “Then what is this.” I lift my shirt and rip of the gauze that was soaked with blood. The blood began to gush down my stomach and I see that it was actually split open even more. The looks on their faces was complete shock as they watched my actions “This is what you call protection? As I cuffed your man last night that owes you money he stabbed me.” Neil’s mouth hung open as John covered his mouth with his hand, both obviously disturbed. I felt the blood pooling around my feet, I looked down seeing I'm losing a lot of blood but as I looked down I felt myself getting really dizzy, the world begins to spin and that causes me to collapse to the floor on my side. Then everything went black as I heard everyone get up and the gasps.

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