Chapter 21: Greatest Pleasure

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I yawn and bring my hand up to my mouth to cover it however I stop trying to move it as soon as I notice I'm tied up. What is with me being held captive in my dreams and in real life. “I see my Angel is awake.” Opening my eyes fully I see a man in the shadows. “You know damn well I am not yours, you asshole.” Then he runs up to me in anger grabbing both of my forearms tightening his grip on them so much that they will bruise. His face inches from mine I start taking in the only feature I can see, the dark brown hair. Half of his face is covered by a black bandanna and his eyes are covered with sunglasses. “You will always be mine, no one can stand in my way. Not your father or your real parents not even your little boyfriend, Billy can stop me.” The anger completely evident in his voice but soon disappears once he mentions Billy which concerns me “You see Angel, my dear sweet Angel.” I could practically see the smile on his face from how much amusement he talked in. “Billy won’t be doing anything for a while.” This mystery man stands up and moves to the side revealing Billy in a chair tied up just on the opposite side of the room from me. “NO! YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!” I scream and cry from the sight in front of me.  Billy’s body is shirtless and slouched in the chair, his head down and his hair covering his face. I see the gash on his stomach bleeding heavily I scream once more “BILLY!” the tears streaming down my face like a river. “You could stop all of this, if you become mine officially.” I look up at him through the blurriness of my tear stained eyes. “What’s the catch.” His laughter echoes through the room then he becomes silent “You know me well, well my Angel. You will….” 
Waking up I see that I'm no longer in the room I fell asleep in. I look around and see that I'm in a living room, laid down on a comfy sofa. I hear my stomach grumbling, okay I get it your hungry. I slowly tried getting up and with all my will power and strength I manage with only a few tears but many whimpers. I hear voices from the kitchen so I creep my way there making sure I don’t get spotted or heard. Creeping around the corner I hear the voices very clearly “No, I don’t agree with this at all. Rocky we cant trust Isabella! I have told you this thousands of times before, she doesn’t have or could do anything that could possibly help us.” I felt the distress in Billy’s voice “Billy, we have no other option unless she gets completely wiped off the map but even then knowing E he has his ways and can find even Santa Claus if he wanted to.” I felt my breathing hitch knowing that I fucked with the wrong gang. I mean I always do but only the top gang can help me. I walk out of my hiding spot turning around the corner seeing the two guys in front of me. “I have an idea that wont involve the help of Isabella nor the help of the three gangs. We cannot risk an all out gang war, at least not yet.” I speak with the authority and confidence dripping from my voice. Their heads whip back to acknowledge that I am out and about, Billy face was shocked, I almost missed the look of disgust with a splash of jealousy in Rocky’s eyes that were replaced with surprise instead. “Angel what are you doing out of bed?” Rocky’s voice was fake and I could now spot that from a mile away. Billy face with now laced with worry as Rocky pointed out that I'm out of bed, he immediately walks up to me grabbing both of my arms “What are you doing here? Are you trying to hurt yourself even more than what Elijah did to you?” I guess they’re more concerned about my well being than about my plan, I shake my head and try to give him my best puppy dog eyes “No Blue eyes I woke up and I was hungry so I got up and came here. Do you want me to be food deprived?” I ask with my eyebrow cocked up which softens him up a little bit. The wrinkles on his face from worry and anger slip away without any trace and his blue eyes sparkle with that signature light blue returning to them. He sighs and brings me close to him hugging me “Yeah of course but you should of waited princess. What do you want to eat?” I see the way Rocky is inspecting us from the corner of my eyes. Rocky is a traitor, I don’t know who he’s working for but I have to warn Billy about him and tell him of my plan. “Eggs and bacon are fine or even cereal.” Looking now at Rocky compared to the first night at the Golden Snakes, I could see that something changed in him. His loyalties lie somewhere else other than where he promises it to. I sit down on one of the bar stools that go around half of the island that separates the kitchen and the big dinning table behind me now. I put my attention on Billy knowing well that I can’t do anything with this information especially in the state that I'm in. “I have to go now but I’ll be back later around dinner.” Rocky announced and just as he finished speaking I turn my head looking at him leaving. Once I hear the main door closing I take a sigh of relief but I still feel my gut doing somersaults. The clinking of the plates colliding with the marble counter take me out of my thoughts. I finally notice Billy in a white tank top and his classic blue jeans, his mother Mary necklace hidden in between his chest and the white tank. Billy’s eyes are a mixture of colors, green, dark blue and even brown. I'm guessing from all the stress that he’s going through from running away two big people, taking care and hiding me and lastly everyday teenager things. “Enjoy princess, not a 5 star meal but decent for what I could come up with under the circumstances.” Looking at the plate in front of me I see the perfectly scrambled eggs, and lightly cooked strips of bacon. My mouth waters looking at this heavenly piece of art on my plate. “Billy, this is perfect! How did you know I liked my eggs scrambled?” I asked obviously a little shocked and creeped out. Billy’s dark storms of eyes immediately return to the normal light baby blue I love and adore which brings warmth to my stomach and my heart knowing that I could change his mood about even the most serious matters in seconds. “I have a file that tells me everything you like.” This makes my mouth drop seeing his serious face but instantly starts cracking up “You should of seen your face princess!” His laughter brightens up this entire place with pureness and innocence, he starts calming down and even wipes away a tear of joy from his eyes. “I'm just kidding babe, I actually just took a gamble. Come on lets eat before it cools down too much.” Cracking a smile I nod my head and we both begin eating while speaking. “So princess, what plan did you have in mind?” he asked out of the blue from our typical boring questions that took me by surprise. “Oh, well I thought that maybe we could go under hiding. Before you say anything I do know Elijah can find anyone, but no one can detect or mess with the Californians especially if we get them all on our side.” He nods his head with everything I say but suddenly as I finish I spot that smirk from miles away. “Our side?” I roll my eyes and smile “Well that’s if you want to come with me.” I get serious and start thinking “Billy, if your still with the snakes it wouldn’t be smart for you to come with me. You still need information from them right?” he looks at me like I have two heads ready to object to my plan “First of all, how are you thinking about getting there?” I take a deep breath “Well by plane or car, whichever I can get my hands on.” Billy pushes his plate away from him turning his body towards me “Kat, that’s a 4 hour plane ride and almost a 2 day drive. They only need 1 hour to get your location and a half hour to get to you. You’ll be caught before you get near the next 2 towns.” I look at Billy cheekily smiling at him while turning my body towards him as well “Well I know a certain homesick Californian guy who knows important people too.” I giggle thinking back to when David and his gang pulled up to our school and Billy told me that he knew important people. “I guess I do know some important people.” He smiles at me but immediately sighs getting up and standing in between my legs, he grabs my chin lightly forcing it to look up at him. “Okay let me make a few calls, the only real way we could pull this off is if they come get you. So if I call some people and they cant or wont deal with this problem, we will need to figure out another plan.” He moves his head down towards my face and softly collides his lips with mine in a sweet innocent kiss. I missed this so much, we haven’t kissed in forever so this was blissful. He leans his head on my forehead, our noses touching “I missed this.” Billy said with the most softest voice, I placed my hand on the side of his face and pull him in for another soft but needy kiss. His hands go to my hips and I try to pivot my butt forward so I can get off the bar stool but it doesn’t work because I hiss in pain which causes us to break up. “Hey, how about we get you to bed so you can rest a bit longer?” His voice is still soft, I shake my head sighing lightly ready to truly trust him “Billy, I don’t trust Rocky.” My eyes meet Billy’s, I expected him to scrunch his face in confusion as to why I don’t trust his best friend however his face stays the same. “I don’t either, I haven’t ever since I started searching for you.” I look at him “So your not safe either, they could use you against me Billy.” I start crying from the thought of losing everyone close to me. Billy, my family.. Oh shit I have to contact them. I stop crying from the realization. “Billy, do you have trash phone?” He looked at me and nodded taking his phone out “This is untraceable right?” He smiles and nods his head yet again “That’s right princess.” I instantly start dialing the number that I forced myself to remember. Steve picked up the phone on the 3rd ring. “Hey Steve, it’s me Kat. How are you guys ?” I heard his sigh of relief “Thank god your okay, we been waiting for your call. We’re holding on but how are you?” I let out a sigh of relief just like Steve did “I'm good Steve, I'm trying to make a plan to get you guys out of this.” I heard Steve groan “Kat, I know about John and Neil.” My mouth drops and my eyes open wide, “What. How.” I demanded obviously pissed off from finding this out now. I could practically see Steve on the other side of the phone scratching the back of his neck “Well, I followed you when you went to the bulldog bar that night.” I felt my anger seeping out “You joined one of them didn’t you.” I asked oddly calm. “Um, yeah. But only to protect you!” this is where my anger fully shows itself “Steve fucking Harrington, you did not join one of those gangs.” Then that’s where our similarities kicked in, he loses his cool as well. “You know what, no Kat. You can’t do this all alone. You can’t just put your family in danger like this and haven’t thought about a plan b already. It’s probably best if you return back to them and make a deal with them. It would be the best not just for you but everyone. Don’t make things more complicated than it has to be.” With that he hung up. The tears brim my eyes, stupid Steve. I would say I had this under control but that would be a complete lie. “Come here.” I shake my head but he wraps his arms around me anyways. “Don’t call the Californians, take me to your dad and Neil.” His eyes went wide at my request “But-” I cut Billy off before he could finish his sentence “We should probably go now before Rocky comes back.” Billy looks at me with a face that I cant quite pin point “Princess, what is it that you want to do in your life.” I scrunch my eyebrows confused as to why he would bring this up right now but I answer regardless “I guess I want to eventually graduate school, travel, have kids. Maybe even in this gang life, but I would build or be apart of the strongest to ensure that nothing happens to my family.” He looks at me with awe “Would you want to spend your life with me?” My mouth gaped open not expecting this “I-, well. I..” I look down at the floor, it’s show time. “Billy whether you continue your life in the gang world or not, it would be the greatest adventure to join you.” The blush comes onto my face while speaking, I was never the one to be affectionate or show emotions like this. Billy’s finger comes up to my chin gently pushing my head up to face him. Inches from me his ocean blue eyes stared right back at my plain ones, our lips slowly collided and met in a soft subtle kiss. Both of our eyes closed and our hands and arms wrapped around each other firmly. We continue to kiss for what seems like forever until we couldn’t breathe longer, we broke from each other catching our breaths. “With you by my side, will be the greatest pleasure.”

Steve’s P.O.V
We been waiting for days for her to call us, I'm just hoping my boss gets to her in time. We can’t let the other gangs get to her. I'm just honestly thankful that I joined the right gang just to save her from Billy’s evil gang who are nothing but tricksters and deceiving people. I been sitting here everyday playing scrabble with the old man ever since we got here. Mom has been reading all the books everyday of every minute. That’s when we’re taken out of our trance with the phone ringing “Steve don’t pick it up son!” my mom shrieked but I shake my head smiling “Don’t worry mom, Kat said she is the only person who knows our location and how to contact us.” I nervously grab the phone and answer it, “Hey Steve, it’s me Kat. How are you guys ?” I took a sigh of relief, she doesn’t sound tied up or in distress. “Thank god your okay, we been waiting for your call. We’re holding on but how are you?” Then I heard her sigh, she sounded a little defeated “I'm good Steve, I'm trying to make a plan to get you guys out of this.” I groan at the fact that she’s putting her self through more shit and finally I think enough is enough she needs to know. “Kat, I know about John and Neil.” There was silence for a second then her shocked voice came through “What. How.” Kat demanded angry, I start scratching my neck nervous to see what her reaction is. “Well, I followed you when you went to the bulldog bar that night.” Yet again there was silence but spoke again oddly calm “You joined one of them didn’t you.” I could practically hear her wanting me to justify what I did “Um, yeah. But only to protect you!” This made her completely blow in anger “Steve fucking Harrington, you did not join one of those gangs.” I try to protect her, to be there for her and she blows up like this. I can only let so much go until I too myself, blow. “You know what, no Kat. You can’t do this all alone. You can’t just put your family in danger like this and haven’t thought about a plan b already. It’s probably best if you return back to them and make a deal with them. It would be the best not just for you but everyone. Don’t make things more complicated than it has to be.” Then the phone went dead “Kat?” We broke up, I tried calling her back but the phone isn’t working. I turn around and see that the wire is broken with my mom holding the knife. “I think it’s time Kat knew who her real family is. She will need their help with John and Neil’s.”

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