chapter 1 a new home

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         i sniff the air, a warm sweet as honey scent comes to me, making my mouth water. a smile creeps onto my lips, i have found my meal for the night.i jump down from the tall building and see a boy with nice sea green eyes with light brown hair. he was being attacked by a couple of thugs, the poor boy was shaking. i shake my head, i hate it when my meals are scared before i drink from them, it gives them a bitter taste. i just simply walk over to the two thugs and tap them both on the shoulder. they turn around and i punch them both in the face making them both fall back and i flash my fangs hissing warning them they better run or be killed. i smirked as they run away and i scent piss in the air. i laugh holding my stomach, i cant believe i made then piss their pants. i hear a whimpr and i turn to see the boy that was just about to be attacked by the two thugs. i put my hand out for the boy and he takes it standing up. i notice that he must be homeless or at least very poor. he still is shaking and it is getting me annoyed. 

        "will you stop with the shaking already? its annoying as hell!" i snap at him and he flinches back seeming even more scared.i sigh this is getting annoying. i look at him more closely, he only had a very dirty t-shirt, sweat pants,and a beanie cap, he only had dirty socks, the boy didnt even have shoes! i grab the boy by the upper arm and drag him away and pick him up swinging him onto my shoulder and behind racing home. he began to scream, making me laugh. i will have to make sure the boy was calm before i sucked him dry.
 we finally get to my house. i walk in the doors of the castle, yea im the vampire prince who cares? i surely dont. maids and butlers come up to me making sure im alright and i set the boy with the brown hair and sea green eyes and i look to james my favorite butler.
 "james clean the boy for me and put him into a clean robe, i dont want him wearing any clothes that he has worn in here from the streets. after you clean him up i want you to bring him to me i will being my room." i tell him and walk away before i could hear anyone say anything and walk to my room.

*cas P.O.V*

         when the vampire that caught me brought me to his house i finally noticed i was going to die before i was even 18. it scared me, he had the bulter wash me up all the while i stay quiet hoping if i dont put up any fight maybe he would let me live if not it could give me time to run away. as the bulter started undressing me i flinched as he took off my beanie cap that was hiding my cat like ears, this didnt even bother the butler. he kept taking off the rest of my clothes until i was naked with my matted light brown tail wrapped around my waist and my ears folded back into my also matted hair. he pushed me towards a bath and made me get in and washed me up. it took him a while to wash my tail since it was so matted. after that he got me out and dried me off and brushed my tail and hair being careful with my ears. he dressed me in a light blue robe and took me to where the vampire was waiting in his room.

         the butler went over to what looked like the vampire sleeping and told him i was ready. the room was huge with a gaint four posted bed with curtains. there was a nice oak dresser and a window nook that had nice looking bench that almost looked like it if i were to sit on it i would like roalty.

*virgo P.O.V*

         james told me that the boy was ready and i sit up as james leaves the room. i notice that the boy has cat ears and tail. i smile, no wonder he smells so good. he is a neko! i get up and come over to the boy and get right in his face, he looked so scared. i was smirking on the inside but kept my pokerface on for the boy. i lick his cheek making the boy close his eyes. i quickly grab his hips and throw him onto the bed and crawl towards him, i love that look on that face. i knew he knows what i am, but he doesnt know what i paln to use him for now that i know he is a neko. i finally get to him and hover over him, stroking his cheek slowly and softly. after a while of doing that i feel his long hair ,from not being cut in a while, and begin the rub the base of his ears earning a purr from him making me smile. looks like i have a pet now not just a meal...

Vampire prince and his new pet.....neko?  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now