chapter 4 filler

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    "what do you mean your blind?!" i ask worried as my little neko cries his eyes out.

     "i cant see!" he tells me and i rub his back and try to calm him down. i didnt like seeing him cry like this, it ruined his pretty little face.

     "its alright. that woman will not get away with this!" i told him. i was angry but i had to be calm for him so he would stay calm. i take him inside and up to my room. i lay down with him. he curls up to me his sobbing getting quieter and quieter. i see he is asleep and get up and leave the room. i was angry, i had to make del pay.

     i hit the wall pissed off. i had to resiest the urge to kill someone. i go outside and use my speed to go to my aunt dels house. breaking in i see that aunt del is in her room. i break the door and storm in. she looks at me but doesnt have time to say anything before i jump on her and twist her neck fast and hard, killing her. "pay back bitch." i say and run back home.

sorry guys this is just a filler chatper and i know its short. i hope u guys arent too disapointed about it . well aunt del got punished tho so hopefully its not that bad. and if u guys have noticed virgo hasnt even asked the boy for his name yet nor given him one. well i better go now bye!!!

Vampire prince and his new pet.....neko?  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now