chapter 12 Wedding plans

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After looking around the big castle, I start to wonder to myself why I was able to see again without needing that gross stuff virgo would make me eat. Right now me and aaron are in the kitchen watching our food be cooked. I look towards him.

How come I can see without needing that gross stuff virgo says I need? I ask.

Because you had a bubble of air pressing on the area that helps you see you werent able to see and that stuff virgo gave you would relieave the pressure is all. The doctor got rid of the bubble so now you can see fully again. He explains to me and then drapes a arm around my shoulder. I nod, understanding now.

The cook sets down a bowl of soup in front of me and I dig right into the food. It tasted so good with chucks of fish, chicken, veggies and some really good cheese that has been melted because of the heat in the soup. I sigh contently when I get done eating the last bit.

That was awesome aaron! Do you eat like this all ths time? I smile at him and he returns the smile.

Of course I do but sometime I like to cook for myself since the cook isnt always here. He tells me.

Oh ok. I mumble out. My eyelids droop sleepily. Im tired aaron, can we go to bed?

Sure baby. He answers picking me up and walking out of the room. I fall asleep before we even get to the doors.

~in the morning~

I wake up in nice soft and warm bed. I feel aaron laying right next to me. Sighing I cuddle up to him.

Morning darling, is my baby ready to be awake? We have to go start the wedding plans. After all it will be in a few days. He tells me and my eyes pop open. Thats right I have to plan the wedding. Would I have to wear a dress? My face blushes from the thought.

Uh aaron? Will I have to wear a dress? I blush harder because I had just said it outloud.

Well most do but you dont have to. I wouodnt hold it agaisnt you but even if you dont wear a dress, you will still be "labeled" as queen. He tells me simply.

oh. Is all I say. Can we go eat then? I wanna look at dresses before I decide. I quickly hop out of bed and get dressed. He also gets up putting on a large shirt and skinny jeans while I put on a large shirt and a pair of shorter shorts. He puts his hand in mine and we walked towards the smell of fresh cooked bacon.

>later that day<

I dont know what to pick!! I yell out dramaticly. I have chose to wear a dress since they all are so pretty but I couldnt pick one for the life of goddess. Holding up the binder that had the dress choices in it, to aaron. Help me! I plead. He rolls his eyes not even looking at it.

Just pick what you like about the dresses and have eve put a dress together that has all those things. He explains to me.

You should of told me that in the first place. I sigh out. I look towards eve. Eve is a small looking woman who looks to be about in her 30's, her hair is brown with a bit of graying. She still looks fairly young for her age besides the graying hair. For some reason she is scared of me, which confused me. Eve can you please help me? She nods and comes over and I point out what I like about each dress and tell her the color I want since they wherent all white.

She nods taking the binder and almost running out of the room. The theme of the wedding is gold and black with a dash of white here and there. I look down at my ring and start twisting it. What if Im not good enough for this little kingdom? It saddened me that I could possibly hurt such a big group of people.

Calm down darling. Aaron purrs into my ear and hugs me from behind. He carries me out of the ball room where we were planing everything. We go up to our room and he lays me down on the bed and quickly undresses me.

I have waited all day for this cas. He grins down at me.

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