chapter 7 i love you

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        i wake up to see nothing but darkness. i feel the cold steel beneath me reminding me of what happened with aaron and virgo. i hear the cage door creak open and feel hands pulling me out, pulling me to his chest. i lay there curled into a ball not really caring of what was happening. i feel tears slide down my face. he wipes them away but before he can wipe them all away i jerk my head away. i refuse to forgive him so easliy. if he wanted me to forgive him then he had to try harder than what he was doing.

        do you plan on being mad at me forever casey? because i really dont want to play this game. but i will give you a week to forgive me without the sryup that helps you see, so either get used to not seeing or forgive me soon. i feel him walking. the closing and opening of a door. a grunt. im being layed down on a bed. you will stay with aaron until you want to come back. i hear him leave the room.

        as soon as the door closes i feel aaron wrap his arms around me and nuzzle me. i nuzzle him back curling up more so. he rubs my ear making me purr as i do the same to him. i hear the swishing of a tail telling me that he likes what im doing. i kiss him. i dont know why but i just do. i think im falling in love with him. he actually cares, virgo couldnt care less about me. aaron makes me feel as a equal. virgo gives up easy, aaron doesnt.

        i smile like a idot i am, i dont care if aaron sees, if he cant handle seeing me smile in a goofy grin unlike the one that was perfect that my mom had me wear. he strokes my cheek making me smile even more. i really do love him but how will he react? i really want to be able to tell him. im going to do it now i dont care if he rejects me.

        i love you. i mumble.he stops and i feel his eyes boring into mine. i whimper feeling as if i had messed everything up. he kisses me deeply then pulls back.

        i love you too casey. he tells me which makes my heart swell. i was soo happy, i couldnt believe he actually said it back. he oushes me nto my back and he pulls off my shorts and i feel and hear him take off all his clothes too. he teases me by sucking on my sweetspot while twisting and pulling on my nipples making me moan loudly.

        i struggle grinding softly against him until he pushes my hips down stopping me from moving at all. i struggle more wanting more almost to the point of begging for more. he grabs my legs speading them apart. he thrusts into me with no mercy making me cry out in pain from using no lube at all.

        but he keeps going and soon it feel great. i moan his name asking for him to go harder and he does sending me into wave after wave of pleasure. im gonna bust! he yells out and releases inside of me. i release all over the both of us, panting. i kiss him and lay back, yawning, tired.

        night love. he tells me right before i fall asleep in complete happiness. someone is actually giving me the love i have always wanted.......

599 words guys! i tried doing the best i could but this chapter kinda sucked because of the smex part but whatever. comment what you thought and vote! i have a three day weekend so i will do my best to have another chapter posted monday. well pm if you guys have any ideas that you want to happen in the story!!! love ya my cupcakes. oh and should i do a q&a for the cahr in this story??????

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