chapter 3 aunt del

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     I wake up the next morning laying on virgo's chest and hes still sleeping. he looks so handsome sleeping. i watch him sleep for a while.

     virgo begins to wake up and i pretend to sleep. he strokes my ears making me purr.

     "i knew you were awake silly boy, now come on its time to wake up and get ready for the day." he told me and sat up. now sitting on his lap i look up at him with puppy dog eyes. he shook his head. "i know i wish we could sleep all day too but we have to get up." he wraps his arms around me and gets out of bed and sets me down on the bed. he goes over to the dresser, he pulls out some clothes and throws them at me and i put them on as he gets dressed too.

     i was wearing a white shurt with a black vest and pants while viri (thats what i plan on calling him from now on) is wearing a black shirt and a white vest with white dress pants. he comes over to me and picks me up and walks out the door to the room with the big table again.

     he sits down in the big chair and has me sit in his lap. almost the same second we sit down milk is put in front if me and i lick it up greedly. viri is sipping what looks like wine but smells weird and i grab his arm thst has the wine glass with the weird smelling stuff in it and pull on it until the glass is in front of me and take a big sniff.

    i get a big nose full off the scent of blood and i almost puke. it smelled nasty and i was doing my best not to run or puke onto his lap. he only chuckles and calls for james.

     "will you take him to the garden and let him play? keep a eye on him and make sure he stays safe and if anyone touches him besides u i want to be let known asap!" he tells him and james picks me up and walks down some longhallways.  

    we finally get to the garden and he lets me go as i look at the flowers. i loved the smell of a flower with blood red petals, james told me it was a rose.

    after a while a woman comes out to the garden and greets james then points to me saying something i didnt really care about at the moment. she comes over to me.

     "hello little neko im del vigi's aunt. now come here and let me look at you." i come closer and she quickly picks me up and nuzzles my neck and i really didnt like it and tried to claw at her since she had such a tight grip on me.

      "madam please put him down master doesnt want anyone touching him." james says worried.

      "oh james dont fret! i only want a taste!" at that she bites into my neck making me whimper and stop clawing at her. she sucked me until i almost blacked out. "good boy. see the wounds are almost closed already, virgi will never know!" she laughs. i try to get away and i claw her arm making her bleed and she smacks the side of my head for it.

      "you would think this thing be better trained." she spat out as i whine. i hear footsteps but i keep my eyes closed.

     "aunt del! how dare you touch him!!" i hear viri say. i get picked up anx i assume its him. "you are not to touch him! you even drank from him! that is the last straw get out!!!" he screams at her.

     "fine virgi i will leave."i hear footsteps walk away. i feel a hand petting my head and i open my eyes to see blackness. i was unable to see! how is this possible?! i start to cry something i havent done in a while.

      "whats wrong?"i hear viri say and i wail crying harder.

     "i-i c-c-cant see! im b-b-b-blind!"

dun dun duuuuuuun!!! what will happen? will aunt del get punished some way? will cas stay blind? hmmm lets see in the next chapter tomorrow!!                      

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