chapter 6 a sweetest kiss

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      i wake up to someone shaking me. w-what do you want? i whine and yawn, upset by being woken up.

    open up your mouth. i do as im asked. suddenly a spoon with gross, slimy stuff on it is shoved into my mouth. eat it casey. you want to see again right? i nod and eat the gross stuff. i wanted to puke it up. i open my eyes and i see someone in front of me. i blink away the black spots until i see virgo.

     virgi! i jump into his arms. i cant see again! thank you! i nuzzle himm, purring loudly as he laughs and rubs my back and ears as he stands up still holding me.

       im glad your happy casey. but you have to eat that stuff everyday if you want to keep seeing. i nod not caring. if i could see then why should i be upset that i have to eat that stuff everyday. and also today you have to spend time with aaron since i have to leave the castle. i dont know if you like him or not but he will be in charge of you. virgo tells me making me upset again since i couldnt spend time with him. he carries me out of his room with me still in my boxershorts. i blush when we get to a large room with big couches and what looks like a fort maybe?
          he puts me down and i turn around to see another neko. he has blue hair with blue eyes with red fox ears and tail. he isnt very well built but he was dressed in just short shorts. i blush knowing im only in my boxershorts that i sleep in. virgo ruffles my hair and walks out all the while glaring at the other neko. i look to the neko again. he smiles at me and comes over to me.

        remember me? im aaron. he purrs in his high pitched vioce making me shiver, but i nod anyways. he smiles widely and puts his arm around me and pulls me to the fort like thing. it looks like its made froom wood and is hung from the ceiling and has a ladder up to it with no windows or anything that looks like it will let light in from the outside. he pulls me up the ladder and into the fort like thing.         

        i feel around for something, anything really. i feel hands grab me from behind and pull me down onto his lap. he pets my ears and tail making me purr loudly into the dark. he leans forward pressing his bear chest to my back.

        you purr in the cutest way, did you know that? i shake my head. well thats too bad. so tell me about yourself. i think to myself for a moment. virgo never really cared to ask about what i like or dont dont. no one ever really cares, but this boy does. it makes me feel happy that someone could really care how i feel or care that i actually have a past. i take in a deep breath.

        im a only child, i was homeless until virgo came to get me. he nods telling me to keep going. i didnt know my dad but i did know my mom. but she was taken from me at the age of 8....s-she was m-mudered. i stop talking refusing to keep going on about it at all. he seems to understand. he grabs what feels like a blanket and lays down cuddling with me on his chest. i start to drift off to sleep but try to stay awake unsure if i can competely trust aaron. i feel his hands rub my stomach and getting lower and lower.....i jump up quickly not wanting anything more than maybe kissing and cuddling happening.

        whats wrong cas?? i wont hurt you. i hear aaron say. i shake scared even though i dont want to do anything more that he may make me do it anyways. i whimper scared. i hear his getting up and feel arms wrap around me. we wont do anything that you dont want to do. he purrs in a voice that makes it sound like hes hurt that i dont want to do anything with him.

        he kissing my neck gently making me shiver. he trails up my neck with kisses until he kisses my lips. he kisses gently and softly as if he may break me making me kiss him more deeply. i dont want to be treated as if i may break at any moment. he bites my bottom lip asking for passage. i give it to him letting his tongue slip into my mouth and explore.

        i feel his hand on the back of my neck and pull my head ever closer. i smile feeling as if im an equal unlike when im around virgo i feel as if im a much lesser being. i wrap my arms also around aaron. his skin is so soft i cant believe i have never noticed it before. we break away for air but that was only for a second before he has me oinned against a wall and is kissing me deeply again.

        he slips a hand down the side of my boxer shorts but doesnt do anything and just lets it sit there. i ever slightly oush agaisnt him wanting, needing more. he chuckles knowin what i want. he kisses my neck and sucking on my sweet spot making me moan loudly. i hear footsteps outside this fort of a thing but dont think much of it. i let out a whimper of need as i grab aarons hair roughly. he seems bent on teasing me as he only keeps sucking my sweetspot with me being pinned harder agaisnt the wall.

        i see a bright light suddenly and have to close my eyes but the light doesnt bother aaron as he keeps doing what he has been doing. casey! a pissed off virgo yells, i am just now seeing that virgo has open the blanket of a door. he pulls aaron off of me then grabbing me, he drags me off somewhere. im thrown into a cage and he slams and locks it. then storms out leaving me all alone.

        i cry feeling as if i have done nothing but wrong things in my life.............

        alright cupcakes sorry for waiting awhile to post this and now ya know more about casey!!! tell me how ya like it!!! comment and vote!!!! if ya have anything ya want to happen just comment it below and i will do my best to add it into the story!!!

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