Chapter 8 Im His.

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When I wake up I feel aaron next to me. I smile to myself. He said he loved me. No one had ever said that before and when he said it, it made me really happy. Sighing happily I nuzzle my head into his neck. If I could have him then I would give up my sight for him.

have a good nights sleep? Aaron asks me which makes me jump a little bit. I didnt know he was awake.

yes I did...did you? I ask him meekly.

Of course I did. You were right next to me the whole time. He purrs into my ear. would you like a morning round my dear casey? He asks me. I nod my head.

Please? I beg my body already reacting to him as he rubs my stomach. He kisses me deeply forcing my body to want him oh so badly. When he bites my lip I let him in, letting him take control. I didnt want control anymore I wanted to be under his control. I needed more rhan being just kissed right now. I needed him to make me his again and again. To have his scent of wild berries and roses on me, part of me.

He grabs both my arms and pins them above my head. I mewl out when he begins to kiss down my neck and when he gets to my right nipple he sucks on it, hard. I couldnt take not being able to touch him.

Let me touch you please! I beg him, its getting to the point to where I am strugglkng to not rip my hands out of his grib and just touch him all over.

Let me have some fun first darling. I melt at the word darling. I sigh showing how annoyed I am at not being able to touch him. I feel cool metal on my hands. Now you cant break free. He pulls down my underwear and leaves me so that anyone could see how helpless I am right now.

He begins attacking my nipples as I moan out, wanting, needing more. He grabs my dick and slowly starts pumping it. I pant and moan. I thrust up into his hand, he lets me do so but only for a while. After a bit he pushes my hips down so I cant move them. He keeps stroking me until I cum all over his hand.

sorry for the short chapter but i wanted to write at least something to keep the story going for u guys i do have a new story coming tho called The Inner Wolf also a yaoi but werewolfs so yea. comment. vote. and tell what ya think!

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