chapter 5 a new playmate isnt always such a good thing

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from now on when a person is talking it will be in this because its easier for me but anyways i hope u guys love this chatper and i have thought a lot about it and sadly i did this chatper on my laptop and for some reason it didnt want to publish or save so i have to start over but thats alright it still be awesome so lets start!!!!

     i wake up to. strong arms wrapped around me and my cheek agaisnt his chest. i keep pretending to sleep. keeping my eyes closed. i feel a hand rub my ear and i try not to purr the best i can but i fail and begin to purr loudly.

        good morning i hear virgos voice say making me smile. i open my eyes to look at him but seeing nothing but darkness making me remember that im blind. that stupid aunt del..why did she have to do this to me? i let a whimper when i remember the pain of the smack she gave me. i feel my neck and feel nothing that hasnt been already there. i thought when a vampire drank from you that it would leave marks but maybe not.

        virgo, do i have to get up today? i ask him. he kissed my forehead.

        you can stay in bed for the day because of what happened but i do have to go. he gets up but im already asleep before the door even opens.

~few hours later~

        i wake up when i feel a heavy weight on the bed and arms around me. i nuzzle his chest purring. i missed you virgo. i feel a hand rub my ear making me purr even louder.

        too bad im not virgo then huh? a unfamilar voice comes to my ears making me freeze. i quickly move away a good tail lenghts or so i think. suddenly im pounced on and pinned down. why run away? im a fellow neko just like you. the voice purrs into my ear. just because virgo rejected me because im not pure blood like you doesnt mean you can run away from me. my name is aaron just so you know. also from now on you are my play toyyyy. he hisses into my ear.

        i feel his tongue touch my neck and trailing up to my ear. i try to push him off but he is stronger than me. he bites my ear then moves back to my neck sucking softly on it until he reaches my sweet spot making me moan when i didnt want to. i could tell he was smirking at me.  suddenly the door opens.

       ~~virgo P.O.V~~


      i walk into my room and see that little pest of a neko pinning down my pure blood neko. get the hell off of him now aaron. my voice booms. i was pissed as i drag off the pest of a neko out of the room and into a near by room. who the hell do you think you are? he isnt yours to touch!! i yell at him.

        i know something about you that you dont want anyone to you better share that bastard of a neko that you hold so dear. if you dont share my mouth may slip. aaron threatens me. i glare at the neko.

       fine i sneer and leave the room too upset to even see cas my little neko.

if you guys like it then vote and comment!! tell me how to get better and plus if u guys like creepypasta+yaoi then u guys will like the story i plan on making soon! i hope all my cupcakes like this chapter. message me if u have any questions about the story!!! and bai!

Vampire prince and his new pet.....neko?  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now