chapter 14 suprise!

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Virgos P.O.V

When I wake up the next morning my head hurt and I was painfully hot. I look around to see Im in some sort of barnlike place. I frown remembering that a boy that looks much like casey helped me. I pull that blanket that has been placed on me and suddenly feel too cold and pull the oh to hot blanket back on.

Keep that blanket on your body. Your already sick and I have to take care of you. Dont make this any more annoying than what it is. A voice snapped at me and I look towards the door like opening and see the boy who looks like casey. He walks over to me with a bowl of something purple in color and sits down next to me.

W-who are you? I ask him, shaking from still being cold yet so hot. He doesnt say a thing as he holds a spoon full of that purple stuff and I drink it. Hopefully if I do what he wants maybe he will answer me.

Keep drinking. I do as he says and be begins to talk again. My name is Bay, I used to have a family. A mother, a father, even a brother, twin to be exact. But my father would gamble and one time he bet on something and lost then he was killed and I was taken away. My brother and mother...I have no idea where they are. As he is telling me this I slowly start to understand why he seems so bitter.

What is your brothers name? I ask taking the last bit of purple stuff that is left. He looks at me with sad eyes that could break ones heart.

Casey. His name is casey.

Aarons P.O.V

I sit there at the table as me and cas eat dinner. I still couldnt believe he fell for my act. Once he bears me a child and gives birth I plan on locking him away. I only need a heir to the throne and I do not want a partner for life.

Cas looks at me and smiles widly and I smile back. Why is he so easy to fool? Probaly because he wants to believe that someone loves him. Funny thing is that I dont love him and I hope to hurry up and marry him so the mating process can begin. Males cant bear a child unless they are married. Virgo could have had a child with him but I want to keep that to myself.

Aaron wanna go upstairs for a bit more fun? Cas asks me and I smile nodding as he pulls me up the stairs to our bedroom. The sex is just a added plus to all this. I push him onto the bed and kiss him deeply.

Caseys P.O.V

When he pushed me down and kissed me deeply I couldnt help but moan out. His body made mine feel so good. He slowly moves his hands down my body to my hips. I pull his shirt off his body and he does the same to me. Suddenly he is attacking my neck with his mouth making me moan out loudly. The touch of his skin sent sparks through me. Next thing I know Im only my hands and knees competely stripped of my clothes. I pant in need as he massages my hole. I hate it when he teases me.

D-dont t-tease m-m-me. I whine out. I feel him enter me and begin pounding into me hard. I moan loudly unable to stop my mouth from making these noises. In no time im releasing onto the bed and hes doing the same into me. I pant as he pulls out and lays us down and I fall asleep.

Im sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to post it before it slipped my mind and I hope you like it! comment and vote my cupcakes!

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