chapter 17

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I stand there afriad to move at all. Why would he want to kill me? I begin to shake, why does everything bad follow me? What im the world did I do so wrong to get this bad karma? Bay quickly lets go off me and tackles aaron to the ground.

I will not let you hurt my brother or even lay a finger on him!! Bay screams and he punches aaron. Suddenly virgo runs onto the room not looking good at all. When he sees me in the wedding dress he quickly picks me up over his shoulder and runs out of the room with me.

I wiggle and try to get out of his grip but it doesnt work. I finally give up and let him take me where ever he is taking me.

Casey wake up. I hear a familar voice say. Wake up casey! I need you! The voice sounds more and more worried. I open my eyes to see my twin brother looking down at me with his eyes over flowing with tears. He hugs me tightly once he sees me. Oh Im so sorry I havent been here for you. I missed you so much.

I missed you to Bay I love you. I say back. I look around. What happened to aaron? I ask confused by whats going on.

Aaron is a bad man casey and didnt really love you and only wanted for you to make a heir for him so he wouldnt have to worry no more. Bay tells me.

How do you know this? I ask bay and he looks down to the ground.

Because he tried the same thing with me. He says. I look down believing him.

I believe you bay. I smile and he smiles hugging me tightly.

sorry it was so short and i havent updated in a while but i plan on getting this story done so ppl wont keep bugging me to finish it! bye cupcakes!

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