Chatper 15

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Wait your twin's name is casey?? I say almost shocked. He gives me a hard look and I almost whimper.

Yes and that doesnt matter right now. I let out the breath I was holding.

What if I told you I know your twin? I ask and suddenly he has me pinned down on the floor, his face an inch away from mine. He snarls a cat like sound.

You better not be lying. I have been looking for my brother for years and havent found him.

I am not lying he is going to be married to that neko primce aaron. I say venom in my mouth from saying that nekos name.

Married?!!? Bay nearly shouts. He cant be getting married to that thing! He is a selfish bastard who thinks he is higher up than anyone. He only wants a heir to the tbrone!! He jumps off of me amd quickly gathers his things.

What are you doing? I ask. He looks up at me all the while still gathering his things.

I am saving my brother whether he like it or not. He says and I can already tell he is about as stubborn as a mule.

Y-you cant just go charging in there! I yell out. Hell why did I studder?? He glares at me.

Like hell I aint going in there. He is my brother and I dont give two shits if he wants to be saved or not. He grabs the last of his things and is gone leaving me in awe.

sorry cupcakes it took me so long to do just this short chatper i have just been busy but i have a plan on where to go with this now. COMMENT AND VOTE!!!

Vampire prince and his new pet.....neko?  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now