chapter 11 The big question

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When I awake I could scent the smell of bleach and other cleaners. Wrinkling my nose from the awful stench, I open my eyes to see that Im in a hospital room. Looking to the side I could see aaron sitting next to the bed asleep. I smile to myself, grabbing the hand laying on my arm. I trace little silly lines on his hand until I see that hes awake.

Hello sleepy head. I say to him and he flashes me a smile.

I should say the same to you. You scared me pretty badly. He says worriedly. I look down to my stomach feeling awful about it all. I didnt want to hurt anyone. Tears start to fall down my face. When aaron sees this he quickly gets up and hugs me tightly. I hug him back, feeling as if I couldnt live without him.

I-Im s-s-sorry a-aaron. I studder out. Oh goddess I couldnt even speak right! Im so stupid! I cant keep messing up like I am right now.

Oh no baby dont be sorry. Its alright now. You dont have to worry about a thing, in fact I wanted to ask you something... He trails off at the last word as if he wants to say more. I push him away just enough so I can be face to face with him.

What is it? Did I mess more than I think I did? I ask scared of the question. He puts his hand under my chin, looking me striaght in the eyes.

Casey you have nothing to worry about but getting better alright? Im going to take care of you and I dont want you worrying over petty things. He says in a gentle yet stern voice. I nod.

Ok. I answer. What did you want to ask me? I ask him. He then stands up and then gets down on one knee and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box. I look at him in confusion. He looks at me nervously then takes a deep breath.

Casey will you do me, Aaron Max Al'Muher, the favor, no, honor of marrying me? He asks me opening up the box which held a gold band with some blue stone in it, in the shape of a heart.

My heart fells as if it swells. He really does love me! I couldnt speak for a moment. I was just so suprised.

Of course! I almost yell. His eyes light up and his tail wags in the air. Quickly he takes my hand and slips the ring on.

You make me so happy Cas! He hugs me again just as a doctor walks in.

Did I miss something? Well anyways Casey you're all well to go home, just dont do too much we dont want your stomach ripping open. He muses then leaves the room.

Yay cas, we can leave now!

>20 mintues later<

We got me all checked out and dresses in normal clothes, careful of my stomach. Aaron at one point said he had to ask the doctor something so he left me in the car and just now got back in.

What did you have to ask the doctor? I ask.

Oh nothing it was stupid. He replies making me wonder how stupid of a question it was. He drove for what seemed like hours.

Uh, aaron where are we going? I look to him.

To where I live. I just so happen to be a prince. He mumbles.

Your a prince?! I feel like freaking out. How the hell did I get invloved with a prince?! I was homeless before all of this happened. I couldnt even feed or take care of myself either.

Yes Im a prince and we are here. We stop at a gaint castle.

This is huge! I quickly get out of the car and run inside to get a good look.

There you have it cupcakes. What do you think? Are any of you upset of this pairing and want to have casey end up with virgo? This story is way far from being done. Im so glad ppl actually liks this story or else I would have missed out on writing such a awesome story! Oh and please tell me if casey should wear a dress or a tux for the wedding and if virgo should go to it! Comment! Vote! Thank you!

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