chatper 18

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so since i feel like being nice today im gonna post this last chapter but i have another story with another neko in it if you havent checked it out yet about a nerdy neko who gets black mailed into being a jocks boytoy. so yea check that out if you will ok lets start the story.

I lay in bed thinking about what Im going to do with my life now that all these things have happened. Surely virgo will never want me back after i have been so terrible to him.

Sighing I close my eyes to sleep but sadly I am unable to sleep feeling like this. I sigh and get up and walk out of the room to try and find bay.

Virgo you need to stop feeling bad for yourself and go and tell him that you still love him or else he is going to think you dont! I hear bay whisper yell.

But what if he doesnt want me? what if he rejects me? again? I hear virgo say and thats all it takes for me to come running into the room and crashing into virgo and pressing my lips to his.

virgo instandly kisses me back and wrapping his arms around me. I look up into his eyes.

Virgo I love you.

I love you to casey.

Im just gonna go.... I head bay say and the clicking of doors as he leaves.

Before I could say anything else virgo pins me agaisnt a wall and begins to attack my neck trying to find my sweet spot. I moan out when he does find it.

quickly he strips me of my clothes and bends me over a table thats in the room. I look back to see him quickly undress himself and thrust hard into me making me half scream and half moan out.

He doesnt waste any time to be gentle and just thrusts into me hard intil we both reach our climax and cum together.

He picks me up and takes me to a bedroom and we fall asleep.

there you have it guys the last part! sorry for dragging the updates so far between and all that jazz but hope u like the ending by my cupcakes and cheak out my other story about a neko.

Vampire prince and his new pet.....neko?  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now