chapter 13 A New Smiling Face

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I have been waiting all day for this. Aaron grins down at me. I look up at my blue haired prince above me. I smile to myself. I know that he loves me and will never give me up. Suddenly theres a loud knock on our door. Aaron grumbles but gets up and goes and answers it.

Why the hell is he doing here! Aaron yells out. Upon hearing this I quickly get dressed again and come to the door.

Aaron whats going on? I ask worried.

Virgo is here and he wants to talk to you alone. He spat out. I have never seen aaron this upset before and now I know why.

I can talk to him aaron dont worry I will be fine. I quickly tell him and I have the messanger lead the way, leaving aaron behind. I finally get to a room that held many couches and chairs. I look around to see virgo sitting on a couch. When he sees me he quickly comes running over to me.

Im so sorry casey! He yells out. Hes a mess, anyone could tell he hasnt been sleeping or eating.

Theres nothing to be sorry for I live here now. I say plainly hoping he would understand. I dobt want to drag this out and hurt him more. He looks to my hand and he just breaks down at the sight of a ring on my finger.

Virgos P.O.V

I look at his hand for some unknown reason, I guess it was like someone turned my head for me. I see a ring on his finger, I didnt think aaron would actually take him away from me. My heart breaks as I see aaron stomp into the room and very gently hugs casey from behind.

I quickly get up and just leave the place. I run and run until I couldnt run no more. Why him?! Why not me?! What did I do casey? Was I really that horrible? I know I can be a pain at times but yoy didnt have to leave me!!!

I finally just cripple and let myself lay on the side of the highway I am on. I cry and cry until I have lost enough water in my body to cry. I lay there for a while or hours maybe even forever for all I know. I feel hands on me, pulling me up. I look to see casey. He has come for me! Suddenly I am hugging him tightly and kissing him.

He pushes me away quickly and stands up, pulling out a knife. Now that I have a better look at his body I can tell that he isnt casey. My eyes widen at this.

What the hell did you do that for? I was trying to help you and you kiss me! He screams in distrust. I will not let another man touch me again like he did. I sit there in shock.

I-im sorry you look like someone else. I just thought y-you w-were h-him. I whimper out and begin crying. He looks suprised and worried and quickly hugs me tightly and rubs my back.

Im sorry I thought you were one of 'em pervs. He tells me. I nod in return and try to stop my tears. Finally he makes me stand up and takes me to alittle barn looking place and makes me lay down. I quickly fall asleep.

wow so a new suprise! yay! vote and comment what ya think! i have a few suprises for my little cupcakes and btw if u ever wanna kik me then just look up Xxthy_favorablexX thats me! alright i must go bye!

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