chapter 2 the vampire is gentle but cold hearted

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        I lay there as the vampire rubs my ears and hair making me purr. why was I purring? because it felt nice that's why. when is he going to suck me dry? does he plan on messing with me by only taking a little at a time?

        I felt something wet on my neck making me freeze. the vampire was licking my neck, I let out a moan. I close my eyes tight cursing myself for even letting a moan out. I knew he was looking at my face as he licked up and down my neck and under my chin. he licks from my collar bone to my ear, softly biting it making me flinch. my breath picked up. I was so scared. can't he just do it already? I want him to stop wasting time.

         "c-can you please j-just do it already?" I asked scared almost peeing myself. I felt a hand stroking my ears again.

          "hurry up and do what now? I don't plan on sucking you dry so you can forget about that." I could hear the smirk in his voice. but his voice is so wonderful making me want to listen to him tell stories to me all day.

            "w-what do y-you want me f-for t-then?" I ask. opening my eyes I look at him smiling down at me. he looked hungry. those red eyes drawing me in making me want to please him anyway I could. I look at his blonde hair that fell right past his chin. he also had freckles too. his skin wasn't pale as one might think it was actually a soft tan like color. he was wearing a long sleeved black shirt with a white vest with white dress pants.

            "well there aren't many nekos to be found most of them are over priced even if they arent pure blood and I want a pure blood. I can tell your a pure blood neko. so now your my pet but always remember I won't stop myself from drinking from you." he sniffed my hair. "you are mine now and since you are mine no one but me or James can touch you." I relax a little bit knowing he didn't plan on killing me.

          he grabbed my chin and pulled my face closer to his, he licks my lips keeping his eyes trained onto mine. I shiver as I feel a hand on my lower back. suddenly he let's me go but he still straddles me. he smirks down at me as my heart beats fast. he gets off of me and throws a pair of shorts at me and I put them on with no underwear. he quickly pulls off the robe I was wearing and throws it across the room making it easy to see my ribs and I wrap my tail around my middle along with my arms.

        "oh don't be shy now, you just need food is all." he picks me up with one arm wrapped around my middle. he carries me like a ball with me upside down looking up at his pretty face. we go into a room with a big table with many chairs. "I need warm milk now!" he demanded and set me down on the table in front of the biggest chair, he sits down in the chair then grabs me and sets me in his lap. I may be 16 but I looked about 10 since I was so tiny and skinny. I shiver cold since all I had on was shorts. he wraps him arms around me as warm milk is placed in front of me, making me drool. I look at him, my eyes begging for him to let me drink it all down.

          "drink." I notice its in a bowl but I don't care and begin licking it up. I haven't had milk in such a long time and it tasted so good. I kept licking the bowl even after the milk was all gone. the vampire said something but I didn't hear him. he pulls me back as I see a maid set a plate of fish on the table. this only made me drool more. he let me go and instead of staying on his lap I crawl quickly onto the table and starting the fish quickly. I couldnt tell what kinda fish it was but it was sooooooo good. it was gone at some point and I was being pulled off the table and being petted. I let out a purr.

           "now that you have ate its time for bed." I yawn and the vampire chuckles. "my name is Virgo but you my neko can can call me virgi or vir." he stands up holding me and we go into his room he lays me down making me cold again but soon he gets on the bed covering us both up. I snuggled up to his bare chest not caring anymore. from now on I would be fed and cared for and no one would hurt me. I was now in heaven as I drifted off to sleep.

so how does my cupcakes like my story so far? next chapter I have a surprise for our dear little neko and his master vigro! comment below what you cupcakes think!!! I'm excited for the next chapter bye now!!!!!!!!!!

Vampire prince and his new pet.....neko?  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now