2| Meaning of Missing

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I miss it
The late nights texting
And talking to her

I miss it
Her wonderful smile
And her soft voice

I miss it
The times we spent together
And the happiness that we gave each other

Will I ever get it back?
Will it ever be the same?
Will I ever get to hear her voice?

She wants to keep distance between us
I want to become close again
But she won't let me come that close

I understand that she's breaking
I know that she's hurting
I wish she'd let someone in

It doesn't have to be me
I just want her happy
But it's hard now

He broke her
He broke the person I care most about
I don't want to hate him but how can I not?

He hurt her
He made her cry
It reminds me of myself

I've made her cry
And I've hurt her too
So I can't do this

I can't hate him
Not when it reminds me of me
The pain, the tears

I just wish it could've been different
That he didn't have to make her hurt like this
I wish she could be happy

She says he's her everything
I know what she means
Because she's mine

She's my everything
I care too much about her to let my own feelings get in the way
So I push myself aside and put her at the center

I want her happy
I want to make her happy
I don't want her to be like this

Broken and teary eyed
I want to see her smile
I want her to be happy more than anything

I'm trying to make her happy
Because her happiness matters to me
She matters to me

I wonder if she knows how much she matters to me
She means more than she realizes
I have such a special place for her in my heart

I love her
She's my friend
She's my family

She's saved me too many times
She shouldn't have to save me
But she did

And she matters
She means more than my words
She means that much to me

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