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I watched Alice and FP walk ahead of us, smiles on their face as everyone watched. Next, Archie and I started to walk down the isle, my arm around his until we got to the front, where I gave Fred a smile before walking to stand behind Alice. Next, Moose and Mary started to walk, both smiling as they made their way down to us, where Mary came and stood behind me. A moment later, the piano in the back started causing everyone to stand up before my mom started to walk down the isle. She decided she didn't want anyone to walk her.

I smiled brightly at her as she came up, everyone watching intensely. My mom had Toni taking the wedding photos after I put in a good word, so she stood at the end of the isle in the back, getting photos as she walked. She wore a burgundy dress that ended midcalf. When mom got up to Fred, everyone sat after the pastor told them to.

I listened to the man speak, but didn't catch any words as I was too invested in watching them. The wind outside wasn't too harsh, it felt nice actually. After a minute, Alice handed my mom Fred's ring, and FP handed Fred my moms ring. They exchanged after a moment, and Toni took a photo from the seat she sat in beside Jughead, as they sat in the front row.

After a few more minutes, the newly married couple kissed, causing everyone to stand and cheer for them. I couldn't get the smile off of my face as I cheered for them. After a few seconds, they ran off with the pastor into the small church to sign the papers, and the six of us who were also in the wedding, went with them. We waited a few minutes, before we decided to go outside for photos now.

I walked with my arm around Archie's outside, right behind Fp and Alice, but infront of Mary and Moose. We made it to the end of the people before the newly weds came out, and everyone cheered more before throwing the confetti at them. We laughed as they ran to my moms car and took off towards the reception. I climbed into the backseat of Mary's car with Archie, while Mary and Moose got in the front, and Fp and Alice got into Fp's truck.

Not too much later we arrived to the building where everyone was gathering. Everyone that could attend anyways, some had to leave for work or personal reasons. When we got in, the six of us made our way to the table in the front we were supposed to sit at. Girls sat on one side, and boys on the other, while the couple sat between us to seperate us.

After about an hour, when everbody had finally shown up, Alice announced the couple would be having their first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and I watched Archie walk over to a chair that was beside the speakers and he picked up the guitar that leaned agaisnt the wall, and I smiled at him, which he returned.

Alice sat up the mic for him, and quickly made her way back to the table as the couple got up and walked to infront of Archie. Fred's jacket was now gone, and mom had her shoes off. As Archie started to play, I smiled, Fred must have picked the song as I recognized it was Die A Happy Man by Thomas Rhett.

When he finished, I smiled as the couple kissed, people cheering. Moose ran over to Archie before he waved Veronica over and she fixed the microphone to be stood up for her, before Veronica waved me over. I stood up and ran over "Moose wants us to do it now" Archie said, and I nodded "Then lets do it" I said as I moved beside Veronica.

I watched Moose walk over to the couple, mom looked confused before Fred smiled at Moose and snuck off to his seat. Archie started to strum his guitar, just before Veronica and I started to sing. Mom looked over to us, and she looked at Moose as he drug her towards the floor where he wrapped an arm around her waist, and grabbed her hand with the other. We sung A Mothers Song as they started to dance.

(Song Now)

I smiled as I watched them dance together, along with Toni taking photos of all of us. My eyes glanced over to the small round table beside where the men sat at the big table, a photo of Donny stood proud with a sign saying 'Wish you were here' and his football jacket hung from it, we finished the song and Archie stood up to hug the both of us as everyone started to clap.

When we pulled away, Archie plugged Moose's phone back into the aux cord since we made a playlist on his phone for the wedding. As Perfect started to play, Fred and my mom started to dance again, causing us to all smile. I stood with Archie and Veronica, talking about the next song they had to play, when I felt someone put a hand on my back. I turned around to see Sweetpea, causing me to smile "I told you, you look fine in a suit" I said, turning to put my hands on his arms.

He rolled his eyes "Do you wanna dance?" I smiled as I grabbed his hands, pulling him towards my mom and new step dad before we started to dance together. I had my arms around his neck, and his were on my waist. Although, we hadn't started dating agian, I couldn'thelp but smile at him. When the song ended, I just put my head in his chest and leaned agaisnt him.

"Sweetpea, do you mind if I steal her?" I stood up straight to see Fred. They exchanged quick words before Fred and I walked off. The song Dance With My Daughter by Jason Blaine started playing, and I smiled at Fred as he wrapped an arm around my back, and held my other hand.

We danced to the song, as I rested my head against his chest. When the song ended, he kissed the top of my head before I lifted it from his chest, and I kissed his cheek. I made my way over to the table my friends sat at, where I sat in another chair I stole from the table behind them.

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