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     That was three months ago, meaning its November. Moose had gone to Texas for College only a week after the wedding, and mom and Fred came back a week after he left. They had a two week Honeymoon in Hawaii. We were all pretty happy, for the time being. I personally wouldn't change anything about the way life was going at the moment.

      Sweetpea asked me out on Halloween night when he was helping me pass out candy. By helping, I mean he sat on the porch and ate the candy while I handed it out. He wore his normal clothes, but after I begged him he finally let me do his make up so he was a skellington. I had dressed up as an angel because I let my mother pick out my costume. But, when he asked me out, I told him yes of course. But, I did tell him it was his last chance.

     Mom had just published her new book, so she had a book tour coming up soon and she'd be gone for a full month. We were all happy for her, but didn't want her to leave. My dad also hadn't talked to me in a while, but I did recieve a check in the mail monthly from him. Which I would usually put most of it into my bank account. Sometimes, he sent a short little letter with it, but nothing too crazy.

     I slammed my locker shut and jumped a bit as I noticed Sweetpea leaned up agaisnt the lockers behind mine, and he smiled, making me roll my eyes "Dick" I mumled, causing him to laugh before wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we started to walk down the hallway. "Am I coming over after school?" he asked as I reached my hand closest to him, up across my chest and held his hand on my shoulder.

       "I don't know, are you?" I asked as I looked up at him, causing him to smile down at me. I turned my head back as we kept walking. We made our way into the library for study hall, and I walked us over to a table with nobody at it. I sat down in a seat and sat my bag on the table carefully, while Sweetpea sat down and pulled his phone out.

        I pulled out both of our homework for Government and I slid his to him with a pen, while I pulled out my own pen and started to do the work, while he leaned up and copied from me. I heard someone sit across from us, and I looked up to see Fangs, opening his notebook and starting to do something in it.

         When we finished, I handed him his math work while I pulled out my Biology. He sighed before starting to work it out on a piece of paper and I smiled as I started to do my own work. When I was done, Sweetpea was only half way done with his math, so I sat there as I let him work on it.

       I was playing with the hem of my skirt while he did it. An occasional eraser noise, or a whisper of 'what the fuck' while he did so. As he finished, I leaned up and slipped it into my bag before he leaned back and put an arm on my chair for me to lean into when I leaned back. I moved my chair closer, and put my head on his shoulder while I played on my phone.

       Not too much longer, the bell rang and everyone started to get up and scatter. I got up slowly while digging my keys from my bag before the three of us walked out of the Library, and out of the building. "I'll be over there in a second" Sweetpea said as we stopped by their bikes, I nodded at him with a smile before I walked over to my car and got in.

        I put on my belt before I headed home, soft tunes from the radio playing as I drove.

        When I got home, and up to the door, I heard Sweetpea's bike so I waited for him until I went inside. Fred was at work, Archie was at football practice, and my mom was at her managers office, working out tour details. We made our way into the kitchen where I grabbed us both sodas and the bag of doritos before we went upstairs to my bedroom.

        I dropped my book bag by the door, and kicked my heels off while Sweetpea slipped his jacket and shoes off. I sat the snacks on the bedside table, before I flopped down on the bed, hearing Sweetpea chuckle at me. I sat up, on my but as Sweetpea laid down by me, and I smiled at him before I laid down, wrapping my arms around his middle, and he wrapped one around my side, and the one under me was under my head as he played in my hair.

       I smiled as I cuddled into him, wrapping my legs around one of his as he laughed at me. "Sweets?" I asked, as I looked up at him, he looked back down at me "Yes?" "Do you want a family?" he chuckled, "We've talked about this, before we started dating the first time" "That was then, this is now though" I defended, as I moved to lay on top ofhim, my chin resting on his chest as I looked up at him.

      "Okay, well yes. I still do, do you?" I smiled cheekily "Of course I do, and I want to start before 25" "25? I'm sure that can be arranged" he said before leaning down to kiss my forehead, I smiled and crawled up a bit to kiss his lips. I pulled away after a second and put my head back in his chest.

       "I love you Caden" "I love you too, Sweetpea" I said as I looked up at him, and he smiled, causing me to smile back. I laid my head against Sweetpea again "We're Seniors" I mumbled, and he laughed heartley at me. "Did that just now register, Princess?" I smiled "No, but it's awesome!" I announced, sitting up to straddle him. "And you're gonna go off to College, and graduate, and we'll be together forever" he said while running a hand across my thigh, I frowned.

      "I don't wanna leave you that long" I mumbled, and he sighed, "It's only four years, plus we'll have breaks, summer, weekends, and I could always come visit you" I smiled at him, "You're right, I guess" I mumbled, "But that doesn't mean it's any less sad."

    "It'll be over before you know it" he said. I nodded my head before laying my top half down, putting my face on his chest again. "I'll get us a trailer beside FP" I giggled as I sat back up "What about Fangs? What will he do with out you?" "He'll keep the trailer we live in now and stay beside us" I rolled my eyes with a smile.

Riverdale Is My Home pt2Where stories live. Discover now