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Today was Sweetpea's and my one year anniversary. Fp and I switched days, so I worked his Wednsday while he worked today for me. Fred waas letting me use his truck for the date, which I was thankful for. Veronica left last month, right after Valentines day. Archie hadn't talked to me much, which sucked, and it was also awkward at dinner or just in the house in general.

My mom was in the kitchen making some food for Sweetpea and I, while I ran back and fourth from the house to the truck, sitting blankets and pillows in the bed of it, along with a flashlight. I also put his gift under one of the blankets before making my way back inside to my mom as she stuck everything into a picnic basket she's had since she was a teenager.

She made us alfredo pasta, put some waters, and cokes in it. Also, a small cake, although I told her not to.. I kissed her cheek before I ran out to the truck, shouting a bye to Fred. When I got to the truck, I sent a quick 'omw' text to Sweetpea before I started the truck up and backed out of the drive way, heading to the South Side.

I drove for a few minutes, a giant smile on my face as I soon pulled up. I was about to text Pea, when I seen the door open, and he carried a pink bag, about the same size as mine, with pink tissue paper out the top. He walked over and climbed in, sittint it in the floor as I smiled at him, before leaning over to kiss him.

"Happy anniversary" I said as I pulled away, "Happy anniversary baby girl" he said as I started driving to Sweetwater River. When we got there, I parked the bed facing the water, before turning the truck off and looking over at him, as he smiled over at me. I got out quickly and he followed my actions. I put the tail gate down and climbed in, crawling on the hundred blankets and pillows I put back here, before he got in, sitting the bag down by me, as I pulled the same bag, but blue, out and put it infront of him.

I watched as he opened it, pulling out some candy, before he pulled out the 2x1.5 photo frame. (Pretend it says 03.10.19) He smiled as he looked down at it, "Now open mine" he said while looking at me, and I smiled while I did, pulling out some candy, a pink stuffed gorilla, and a 1.5x1 soft wooden, block, looking close to mine. Some of the same photos on them, including my favorite of us.

I smiled before putting everything back and moving closer to him "I love you" I said before kissing him, he laughed a little before pulling away, "I love you too" he said, before pulling me into a kiss. We sat there, kissing for a bit as I straddled his lap. I sat up and pulled my own leather jacket off before my top. When I looked down at Pea, he was looking across my body before I leaned down to kiss him again.


I sat up, pulling Pea's shirt over my head while he pulled his boxers back on. I laid my head back down on his arm as I pulled one of the blankets over us. "Happy anniversary" Pea whispered as he kissed the side of my head, and I smiled before cuddling into him "Mom made us pasta" "Where is it" I chuckled before sitting up, and turning to my other side, grabbing the basket and sitting it infront of us, as he sat up.

We sat there, eating the food in the basket, and talking about random things until I checked my phone and it said 3am, so we both put our own clothes on before getting into the cab of the truck and I drove Pea home. "I love you" I said before kissing his lips, "I love you too, I'll come by Pops and see you during shift tomorrow" he said before getting out, and I nodded my head before we both said goodnight and I drove home.

When I got there, I carried the basket in and most of the blanekts and pillows, tossing them in the laundry room. I took the picnic basket into the kitchen before I made my way up to my bedroom and went to bed finally.

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