Accident (Epilogue)

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Karma pov

3 months have passed by since the accident and since Nagisa has been in a coma.

Everyday I would visit him and sit by his side, hoping that one day he would wake up.

Today I woke up and got in the shower, getting ready to visit Nagisa.
Once I got out I got dressed and headed out.

On my way to the hospital I bought some flowers for Nagisa.

When I got there I entered his room and was surprised to to see Kayano sitting there, holding his hand
She turned around
I walked up to the table next to her and replaced the dried flowers with the new ones I got
"How are you holding up?" She asked while I was placing the flowers in the vase
"I'm doing ok" I told her before pulling up a chair on the other side of his bed
"He must be happy...knowing that you've been taking care of him this whole time..."
"...I hope so" I replied


It was silent

After a while Kayano stood up
"I should get going"
"Yeah, I have to go to a photo shoot"
"I see"
She walked up to the door and stopped before turning to look at me
"He has you looking after him...that's all he needs" she said before walking out

I was left in a quiet room, with Nagisa's light breathing as the only noise in the room

I looked over at him and smiled
"Wake up soon"

Even when he's asleep he's beautiful.

My eyes wondered to his chest
The scar from where the stiches were at were still visible

You're so strong Nagisa
Even after having that pipe stab you in the chest, you still fought for your life...and still are

I sat by his side the entire day until my eyes were getting heavy and I fell asleep, with his hand in mine

I was fast asleep until I felt my hand move.
It took me a while to realized that it wasn't my hand that twitched, it was Nagisa's
"Nagisa!" I stood up

Nagisa slowly opened his eyes
"Karma, is that you?"
I jumped on him, hugging him after months of not hearing his voice

I was back in my seat waiting for Nagisa to ask any questions he had
"How'd I get here?"
"...Car accident...a drunk driver hit you"
He looked down and I'm guessing he saw the scar, cause he pulled his hospital gown and began looking at his chest
"Was this from the accident?" He asked referring to the scar
" long was I out?"
"....3 months"
His eyes widened
"That long"


"I'm sorry" he said
"Why are you apologizing?!"
"You must have been lonely"
"Y-Yeah, but I was with you The whole time"
He smiled
"Thank you Karma"
"No, thank you"
I stood up and sat next to hin in his bed, hugging him
"Thank you for everything"
Nagisa chuckled
"Idiot. That's my line"

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