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The minute class was dismissed Sugino walked up to Nagisa who was placing his notebooks in his bag
"Hey Nagisa, wanna hang out?"
"Sure" the bluenette agreed

Once they finished packing both males walked side by side about to leave the classroom, saying bye to the few students who were left on cleaning duty.
But just as Nagisa was about to reach for the door it suddenly opened and he crashed into Karma who had opened it
"Nagisa!" Sugino yelled out, about to catch him as he fell
But Karma reacted much faster
He quickly reached for the bluenette's wrist and pulled him forward onto his chest
"Haha, sorry I didn't see you there" he spoke, almost teasingly
"Are you ok Nagisa?" Sugino asked
"Y-Yeah" he responded still being held onto by Karma
He always knew that Karma was tall, but he never really bothered to see how much of a height difference there was between them.
Being in his arms, felt reassuring, warm, protected......loved
"You can let him go now Karma" the other male interrupted
"....right" he agreed and slowly released his friend from his grasp
While Sugino bent down to pick up his friend's belongings Nagisa eyed Karma intently
The red head quickly took notice and looked down at Nagisa
"Is something wrong?" He asked with a smile on his face
"Do you like being tall?" The bluenette asked comparing their heights
"....Yeah, but it gets exhausting always looking down at you" he smirked as he saw Nagisa freeze
"But don't worry I'm used to it. Besides it seems that your height won't change anytime soon" he continued to tease him, watching as he stumbled backwards toward Kayano who was about to leave to get a bucket
"Nagisa!? What's wrong!? Snap out of it!" She shook him trying to make him come back to his senses
"What did you do to him?!" Sugino asked, unaware of what they discussed
"Nothing" he replied, walking past them to get his bag
'Besides I can't just say that I find him cute.....at least not yet' he grinned

A/N: The next one shot will be more serious.

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