Barber and his Wife (Prologue)

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A/N: before reading this if you haven't already please read the first part of this.

3rd person pov
Their first meeting was when Nagisa went with her father to a barber shop, he needed to get a shave from the most famous barber.

To pass the time she was sitting on a chair, swinging her legs back and forth while her father got a shave.
She then looked up and noticed a small boy about her age with bright red hair.
Her lips curled up as she stood up and walked up to him.
"Hello" she said getting the boys attention
He turned around and looked at her
"What's your name?" She asked
"Karma...Akabane Karma"
"I'm Nagisa. Shiota Nagisa. Nice to meet you" she extended her hand out to him
He hesitated at first, but he eventually shook her hand.

From that point on the two had become inseparable.
As they grew up together their love for each other only grew.

When they both turned 17 they left Japan and headed to London.
They bought a two story house and made the top floor their home and the bottom floor Karma's workplace.
As time went on Karma became the best well known barber at London.

One year later he proposed to Nagisa and the two got married until they turned 19.
As time went on the two became well known and respected people in London. Everyone knew who they were and how much they loved each other.

Two years later Nagisa and Karma had a child.
They named her Kaori

Karma pov
After closing the shop I headed upstairs and saw Nagisa in the kitchen.
"Is Kaori asleep?" I asked taking off my coat
I sat down on the kitchen table and saw the newspaper infront of me.
The front page intrigued me so I took it to take a closer look.
"What is it?" Nagisa asked, setting my plate infront of me
"Another murder" I responded
"Isn't that the 10th victim already?"
She sat next to me and I looked over at her.
She had a frown on her face
I put the newspaper down and held her hand
"Why don't we take a walk outside tomorrow"
"What about the shop?"
"I'll take a break...let's go out and enjoy the weather...I'm Sure Kaori will enjoy it as well"
Nagisa smiled in response
"We better get some rest then"

The next day we got dressed and were headed out.
When I opened the door I saw a letter
I picked it up and saw it was from judge Yuuji
"Is it from him again?" Nagisa asked coming up from behind me with Kaori in her arms
"Yeah" I said while ripping it
Nagisa only chuckled
"Don't worry, I'll only ever have you in my eyes"

We took a light walk and saw a flower market.
"Lets go Karma"
We started looking at all the flowers when Kaori woke up
"Look who's awake" I said tickling her stomach
"Hahaha!" She giggled
"Do you want your dolly or a nice flower?" I asked her showing her favorite doll and a white daisy

3rd person pov
Nagisa only starred at Karma with a smile on her face while he spoke to their daughter.
When he looked up he saw her gaze and the two looked into each other's eyes.
The two of them were inching closer until Kaori giggled.
They looked at her and then laughed

However, unknown to them judge Yuuji was a couple feet away.
He was taking a stroll, enjoying all the flowers when he saw Nagisa.
He quickly hid behind a wall and watched in anger as he saw her laughing with that barber.
As he clinched his fists together in anger he saw the police walking around.
"Sirs!" He called out
They both turned around and walked up to him
"Yes Judge Yuuji?"
"The murder of those 10 victims is right over there" he said pointing at Karma
Once they heard those words they quickly ran over to the direction Karma was at.

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