This Isn't an Orphanage

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Narrator's POV

"Ugh, that meeting." Came the voice of a very tired and frustrated doctor.

"Tell me about it."

"I'm talking about you Tony." Said the doctor as he took his jacket suit off and placed it on the coat rack next to the beautifully carved door of the New York Sanctum .

"Me? Stephen, what did I do to make such accusations?"

"You fell asleep three times, you were tweeting under the table, and due to your bored tapping on the table; we had to continually stop the meeting." Stephen removed his shoes.

"It was boring!" Tony groaned, with his hands gripping his hair. "I hate meetings."

"It was your idea!" Stephen crouched down a little to Tony's level and did a small jazz hands.

"I don't need your sass mister." Tony turned away.

"It's doctor. You know it's doctor."

"Mister, Doctor. Same thing-" Tony was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and turned to an annoyed Stephen.

"Listen to me Tony, I did not attend 16 years of college to be called Mister. I studied very hard, and struggled-" Stephen's attention was suddenly snatched by a shadow that flew by rather quickly. "Wait, what was that?"

"Oh, you mean Levi? He's been floating there since we-"

"Excuse me? Levi?" Stephen looked at Tony with a raised brow.

"Yeah, you know. Your mystic floating cape, or Levi as I like to call him for when I need an extra hand." Tony explained.

"First of all, cloak, not cape. Second, he's 'The Cloak of Levitation', a very precious relic. Respect him. And I wonder where he's going." Stephen walked to the staircase, stopping and looking back at Tony.

"What?" Tony said, looking at him in the dark.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Oooooooo, is Doctor Stephen Strange scared?" Tony taunted.

"Shut up. Coming or not?"

Tony smiled and rolled his eyes, soon by Stephen's side. They went up stairs, turning to the left corridor, where they found one of the many doors opened with a light coming from it. You could hear the cloak moving around, flapping; but then there was another sound. Unusual sounds. Stephen looked at Tony, Tony gave him a small nod.

"GAH!" They both burst into the room. Stephen with his glowing hand shields ready to attack, and Tony with a vase he got from on the small tables in the corridor since he didn't have any of his suit at the moment.

'Levi' has fallen flat on the ground, well except that there was a bulge underneath him. They relaxed.

"What is-" The bulge moved. They both went back into defense mode. It began to move toward them.

"REEEEE!" Tony threw the vase. Levi caught it and set it safely on the ground, still not revealing the bulge under him. Tony clasped onto Stephen. "Stephen stop it! Hit it! Do something, but don't just stand there!"

"No." His shields disappeared. "If he doesn't want us to hurt it, it's obviously not dangerous." And with that, Levi's collar lifted and revealed a small body.

A very small body.

A baby.

Levi placed his collar around the baby's shoulders.

"It's a baby." Tony pointed that out.

"A baby."

"What's a baby doing here? How did it get here? Where are it's parents? Where did it-" Tony was blabbering, and it had bored Stephen.

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