For Ezuslx
Narrator's POV
A portal opened on Titan. The purple plague known as Thanos stepped out of it. He took a good look around at the planet covered in rubble and destroyed structures. He sighed. It was quiet, it was sad, it was lonely.
"Oh, yeah." Stephen voice interrupted the silence the purple being was enjoying. Thanos looked up, only to see Stephen siting in front of him, on some old dusty steps. "You're much more of a Thanos."
"I take it the Maw is dead." Thanos spoke. Stephen listened. "This day extracts a heavy toll." He looked down at the Eye of Agamotto around Stephen's neck. "Still, he accomplished his mission."
"You may regret that." Stephen said. "He brought you face to face with the Master of the Mystic-Arts."
Thanos walked closer to Stephen, unaware that other bodies quietly stalked him about the place.
"What do you think he brought you?" He asked.
Stephen's eyes looked around. "Let me guess. Your home?"
Thanos put a foot upon a step and looked up. "It was." He raised the gauntlet, and the Reality Stone reformed the beautiful imagery Titan once was. "And it was beautiful." Stephen watched as the place turned into its old self. "Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." Thanos paused.
"Genocide." Stephen said.
"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a mad man. And what I predicted came to pass." Thanos explained. The beauty of Titan went back to the mess it was now.
"Congratulations, you're a prophet." Stephen said.
"I'm a survivor." Thanos raised his chin up.
"Who wants to murder trillions." Stephen said to him.
"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers." Thanos snapped his fingers. "And they would all cease to exist. I call that...mercy."
Stephen stood up. "And then what?"
"I finally rest..." Thanos said. "...and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe." He looked down. "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."
"I think you'll find our will equal to yours." Stephen said, summoning his shields.
"Our?" Thanos asked.
He looked up, only to see a huge structure heading for him. It was Tony. He was pushing the structure toward Thanos.
Thanos put his fist up, trying to use the power stone to prevent from getting hit; but was crushed.
"Piece of cake, Quill." Tony said in his helmet.
"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off." Quill said, putting his mask on and using his rocket boots to fly next to Tony. He had his blaster ready to use.
The structure that landed on Thanos blew up with a purple aurora. Thanos appeared, yelling in the middle of it. He used the Reality Stone to crush the debris around him and turn it into flying creatures, who attacked Tony. Tony flew away to get away from them, but they caught up with him, attacking him.
Suddenly something landed over Thanos's face. It was webbing. Then he was hit in the face by Peter as he swung by. Drax slid on the ground slicing Thanos behind the knees with his knives, causing Thanos to grunt. Stephen appeared out of a portal, next to Thanos.
Drax and Stephen teamed up to attach him. It was working, but with the training Thanos had; he didn't need to see where his opponents were in order to fight back. He kicked Drax away and caught Stephen's magic blade. He peeled the webbing off his face and looked at the sorcerer. He kicked him, but Stephen protected himself with a shield, only getting pushed back. Quill was on his way toward Thanos, using shields to climb into the air; dodging each of Thanos's blasts. He jumped over the purple being and placed a gadget on his back. He landed safely on the ground.
"Boom." He said, raising a not very friendly finger at Thanos before falling backward into a portal behind him that Stephen made. The gadget exploded on Thanos's back, causing him to grunt.
"Don't let him close his fist." Stephen told Levi. Levi raced over to Thanos and wrapped himself around the gauntlet, preventing Thanos from using it.
Thanos struggled against Levi, that's when Stephen opened portals around him.
"Magic." Peter jumped out of one and punched Thanos and disappeared into another portal. "More magic." He hit Thanos again, disappearing once more. "Magic with a kick." Peter kicked Thanos. "Magic with a-" Thanos caught him by the throat and slammed him on the ground.
"Insect." Thanos groaned. Peter yelled as he was thrown into Stephen. Thanos grunted as he ripped Levi off the gauntlet. Levi flew away.
Bombs and explosions took place all around Thanos. It was Tony hitting him with all he had.
Thanos used the gauntlet to absorb the fire ad flames caused by the explosions and shot it right back at Tony, yelling.
Tony was blown back and launched into a structure.
Peter suddenly shot webbing at the gauntlet and pulled on it, groaning. Thanos jerked the webbing, pulling Peter toward him and punching him away.
Suddenly a ship, crashed into Thanos. He was thrown quite a distance and buried under two pieces of metal. He got up quickly, but was hit in the back of the head. He looked up and saw Nebula with a sword. "Well, well."
"You should've killed me." She said.
"Would've been a waste of parts." Thanos shouted.
Nebula swung her blade at him, getting a few hits on him. She had so much anger in her. "Wheres Gamora?" She asked, only to be sent flying back as Thanos swung his arm into her.
Stephen appeared in the air, forming red glowing ropes around the gauntlet, securing the ropes around it and pulling. Thanos tried to get them off, but he was kicked in the back of his right knee by Drax, causing him to be off balance. Quill shot the same triangular magnet at the ground near Thanos, pulling his other hand away from the gauntlet. Peter shot webbing at Thanos, trying to pull him down. Tony appeared behind Thanos, taking a hold of the gauntlet, pulling at it. Stephen's ropes disappeared, and he made a portal on top of Thanos. Mantis fell through and onto Thanos's shoulders, touching his temples.
Thanos yelled as everyone fought against him to keep him down and under control. Mantis grunted and used all her might to numb his mind. Thanos came down.
"Is he under?" Tony asked. "Don't let up."
"Be quick." Mantis groaned. "He is very strong."
"Peter, help! Get over here." Tony called Peter. Peter went over to his dad's side. "She can't hold him much longer. Let's go." They both pulled at the gauntlet.
Quill floated up to the group and stepped in front of Thanos. His mask disabled.
"We gotta open his fingers to get it off." Peter said.
"I thought you'd be hard to catch. For the record, this was my plan." Quill pointed at Tony. He looked back at Thanos. "Not so strong now, huh?" He got closer to Thanos. "Where is Gamora?" He asked.
"My Gamora." Thanks groaned.
"No, bullshit. Where is she?" Quilled asked, angrily.
"He's is an anguish." Mantis said.
"Good." Quill said as Thanos groaned.
"He... He mourns." Mantis said.
That caught Nebula's attention.
"What does this monster have to mourn?" Drax groaned.
"Gamora." Nebula said.
Peter's eyes shot wide open. No, this couldn't be true. He couldn't believe it. It's not happening. He turned slowly to Nebula. "What?" He asked.
My Parents are Gay
FanfictionJust a cute lil story about Ironstrange trying to raise lil Spidey in the safest, non-dangerous way. A happy lil family. Fluff and slight nsfw. So be careful.