Narrator's POV
"He'll be a little woozy for a while so keep an eye on him please." The dentist explained to Stephen and Tony who waiting for Peter. "Other than that, he's just great. No cavities, no problems at all. Tell him to keep up the good work."
"Will he be able to eat?" Asked Stephen.
"Oh yes. Just make sure it's not every hard food because that might hurt him." A door behind the dentist opened. "And here he is. Hi bud, how you feeling?" Asked the dentist as two nurses came out with Peter. He had white bandages wrapped around his head. His eyes were half lidded.
"I'm g-good." Peter said mumbling. There were cotton balls in his mouth.
"Well, here are you parents to take you home. You can go home now." The dentist said.
Peter looked up at Stephen and Tony. "Wait, who's the mom?" He asked.
"Alright, Peter. We can take him from him." Tony said, putting one of Peter's arms around his shoulder. Stephen took the other. "Thank you."
"Y-You're welcome." Peter mumbled.
Stephen looked through the mirror at Peter, who's head was hanging off to the side.
"Hey, you good back there Peter?" Asked Stephen.
"S-Super duper." Peter laughed. "Y-You know who my favorite super hero is?" Asked Peter.
"Who?" Asked Stephen.
"It's... it's... Spider-Man!" Peter smiled.
Tony looked through the mirror too. "I mean you are Spider-Man so that makes se-"
"I'M WHA-" Peter tossed his head back and groaned. "No I'm not." He began to cry. "Quit trying to tell me I'm Spider-Man. Th-that's meeeeeaaaaaan." Peter began to cry even more.
Stephen looked at Tony, rolling his eyes as Tony laughed.
"But it's true. You really are the Spider-Man." Tony said again. Peter continued to cry. "You hungry?" Asked tony.
Peter quieted down for a little. "Y-Yeah." He sniffled.
"How about we get you a happy meal, huh?" Tony asked.
Stephen shot a glance at him. "You know how much grease those things have?" He whispered at Tony.
"The kid's crying, let him have a happy meal." Tony whispered back.
"Absolutely not." He slapped Tony's shoulder.
Tony's face lit up with disbelief. "Excuse me. Do not slap me. I'm driving. I could've killed us because of you."
"I could've stopped it." Stephen slapped him again.
"I swear... Slap me. Slap me one more time. I dare you. I will swerve this car." Tony said, taking the wheel with both hands and looking at Stephen.
"Anthony Edward Tony Stark I swear t-"
"I want chicken nuggets." Peter said, stopping the argument. "...with ketchup." He said.
Stephen shut his mouth. Tony raised a brow at him. Stephen just sat in his seat, crossing his arms, and staring out the window.
"I can't believe you made me walk in there." Stephen said, holding Tony's to-go bag. He had asked them for a cup to make some tea in. In times of stress, he needed his lavender tea. "You could smell the two week old frying oil they've been reusing even outside the store."
"Hey." Tony took a bite of the burger he had in his hand. "Kid seems pretty happy." He said with a mouthful. Peter was as happy as he could be carrying a bag in his hands. He could t wait to get in the car and eat his food in the car.
"You have no idea what that stuff does to your body." Stephen said.
"Hey hey." He took Peter and pulled him a little away from Stephen. "Shhh. Let him have his moment."
Peter was in the back, happily eating his food. He had placed his toy in the empty seat next to him. Stephen kept an eye on him, making sure he wouldn't choke on anything. He noticed Peter was staring at the toy in the empty seat.
"What is it Peter?" Asked Stephen, sensing something was wrong.
"Do I have a little brother?" Asked Peter.
"" Tony said.
Peter's whole vibe became negative. Tears began to form in his eyes.
"What's wrong Peter?" Asked Stephen.
"I- I want a little brother." Peter began to cry.
Stephen looked Tony, giving him a nervous smile.
"You see Peter, you cant have a little brother. We can't..." Stephen stopped. "You just can't."
Peer began to sob even more. "Why? I just want a little brother to care for. I want to be a big brother." Peter said, quieting his cries as he took a bite off a chicken nugget, closing his eyes.
"That's sweet Peter, but we can't. In our situation, I'd be a little dangerous for a small child." Stephen explained.
Peter was quiet in the back. The whole car went silent all the way home.
After arriving to home, Peter put his left overs in the fridge. He yawned.
"I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna take a nap." Peter said, walking up stairs.
"Okay. Just be careful." Stephen said. Tony was by his side. They watched him disappear into his room.
"Friday keep an eye on him." Tony said.
Will do sir
Stephen went over to the sink to wash his hands. "That was something."
"What do you mean?" Asked Tony.
"The whole little brother thing." He said, drying his hands, laughing.
"Oh. Yeah." Tony looked at the small children's toy from the happy meal that sat on the counter. "Do you think he meant it?"
"Hm. I couldn't tell. He was still" Stephen said going over to Tony and kissing his cheek. Tony had the small toy in his hand, observing it. "A nap sounds pretty good, don't you think? It been a long day." Stephen said laying his head on Tony's shoulder and closing his eyes. "Come. Take a nap with me." Stephen opened a portal behind him.
"Yeah. It does." Tony put the toy down.
"Come on." Stephen said, taking Tony by the hand and pulling on him.
Tony laughed. "Alright, alright. Let me just turn off the lights." He said, reaching for the light switch, giving the small toy one lasts stare before turning the lights off. A little smile formed on his lips.

My Parents are Gay
FanfictionJust a cute lil story about Ironstrange trying to raise lil Spidey in the safest, non-dangerous way. A happy lil family. Fluff and slight nsfw. So be careful.