Narrator's POV
"Mr. Stark, Dr. Strange." A woman behind a desk in the main office of Oliver's elementary school said.
Tony and Stephen got up front the seats they had been waiting in for fifteen minutes and walked up to the desk.
"Yes?" Tony asked.
"Ms. Casey will see you now." She said.
A door next to her desk opened, it was the principal. She was smiling at them. "Come on in." She invited them in.
"Thank you." Stephen said, stepping into her office. There were two empty chairs in front of her desk.
"Thanks." Tony said, coming in after Stephen. He looked around the office. "Quite a nice place you've got here." He said, then he saw Oliver sitting on a couch against the left wall next to a bookcase. "Oliver? What are you- Are you in trouble? Is he in trouble?" Tony asked.
"Please take a seat." Ms. Casey told them.
Tony looked at Oliver the entire time while he took a seat. "Whatever he did, I assure you he will be punished at ho-"
"Mr. Stark. Your son hasn't done anything wrong." Ms. Casey said.
"Then why have you called us here?" Stephen asked, sitting next to Tony.
"I'm here to discuss some of Oliver's test scores." Ms. Casey said.
"Oh no. Is he..." Tony lowered his voice. " need of special classes?"
"Oh no, no. Mr. Stark your son's grades are excellent!" She said, handing him a folder. Stephen leaned in the action. "He's only six years old, and has outranked every student in his first grade class."
"I'm actually six and a half. In three days it'll be six and seven months." Oliver said. All three adults turned to him.
Ms. Casey turned back to Tony and Stephen. "We pushed him up to second grade, outstanding. He scored 100% on his tests. Every single one of them."
Stephen looked back at Oliver who was playing with a small figure in his hands.
Tony looked through the folder, looking at the tests results. "Impressive."
"I've never seen anything like it at this age." Ms. Casey said.
"So you're saying my son is a "GT"?" Stephen looked back at Ms. Casey.
"He's more than gifted and talented Doctor. He is brilliant. We've pushed him as far as sixth grade. He's passed everything with ease." She said. "What do you teach your son? Do you have him on an online program? A private tutor?"
"Uh no." Tony answered, putting the folder down. "He learns only from the best." Tony said.
"Mr. Stark, I'd like to introduce you to a special program where you could-"
"Uh, no thank you." Tony stood up. "I don't have enough time." He signaled Stephen to get up, and Stephen did. "Come on Oliver." Oliver jumped off the couch and went over to his dads' side. They began to walk out the door.
"Mr. Stark." Ms. Casey got up from her seat and followed them. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We have government funding. Any amount of pay that you-"
"I appreciate your offer Miss, but I've got things to do myself, two kids to raise. Not to mention a world to protect. I don't have time to teach the ABC's to two hundred little tikes." He said said. He opened the door of the office. Stephen and Oliver walked out. "Good day." He said, walking out as well. He closed behind him gently.

My Parents are Gay
FanfictionJust a cute lil story about Ironstrange trying to raise lil Spidey in the safest, non-dangerous way. A happy lil family. Fluff and slight nsfw. So be careful.