Narrator's POV
"Shh, he's still asleep." Tony said as he guided Peter into his and Stephen's room where his little brother was sleeping.
Peter just couldn't believe it. He actually had a little brother. Stephen was sitting up on the bed, reading. He had placed the same spell he put on the time stone on the little boy's bed to keep him safe from danger. Nothing would be able to harm him.
Stephen looked up when he saw Peter and Tony. He smiled. Tony walked over to Stephen and gave him a small peck on the lips. Peter walked around to the little boy's small bed. He smiled at him. Stephen and Tony were so happy.
Peter looked up at Tony. "Baby Stark do do do do do~" He chanted.
Tony wiped the smile off his face and looked at Peter. "How do I unadopt a child?"
Suddenly the little boy shifted in his sleep. All three looked at him. He wriggled and yawned, such a cute little yawn. He slowly opened his eyes. He was a little freaked out that three pairs of eyes were staring at him. He pouted his lip and was about to let out a cry, when Stephen spoke.
"Good morning Oliver." Stephen spoke softly. The little boy turned to him.
He thought Stephen's voice was just so soothing, so gentle, so comforting. He raised his arms up for Stephen to pick him up, and Stephen picked him up. He was so precious, so fragile.
"Oliver." Peter said. The little boy turned to him. Peter waved at him, smiling. Oliver hid in Stephen's arms. "Aww no, no. It's okay." Peter stretched out a hand for Oliver to take a hold of. Oliver looked at Peter, and took one of his fingers.
"Peter." He said.
Peter smiled, his eyes lit up brightly. "Yes. That's me." God, he was so happy.
Tony and Stephen smiled at each other.
"Stephen, I've got a meeting this morning. I don't know when I'll be back." Tony said, grabbing the keys off the small key rack that hung from the wall near the door.
"Will you take Peter to school? I've got to go get some groceries." Stephen said, holding Oliver in his arms. He was drinking out of a sippy cup.
"Come on Peter." Tony said.
"Bye Doctor Dad. Bye Oliver." He waved as he walked out the door with Tony. "Wow dad, I can't believe this is actually happening. I'be always wanted a little brother, and I actually have one now!" He jumped in happiness.
"Alright, are you comfortable Oliver?" Stephen asked his baby son, who was wearing a blue and red stripped onesie with a red hoodie. Stephen stared at the toddler for a little. He melted his heart. He was just like Peter when he was small.
"Eh?" Was the only thing Oliver managed to let out of his lips, and tilted his head as he sat on Stephen's and Tony large bed. Stephen sat next to him. Oliver saw Levi come into the room and sit on Stephen's shoulders. He reached for the red cloth and put it over his head, wrapping around him.
"Oh come here you." Stephen kissed the toddler's head and pulled him in an embrace. Oliver held on tightly onto his dad, cuddling him almost. Stephen held his toddler close.
"Ned! Ned! Ned!" Peter's voice shouted throughout the hallway.
"Is that Peter?" Asked Wade, walking by Ned. They were headed to their fifth period class.
Peter made his way through the crowd of students and in front of Wade and Ned. "Oof. Thank goodness you're both here, that way I only have to say this once." Peter said, smiling.
"Say what once?" Wade asked.
"Okay, don't tell anyone buuuut..." Peter bit his lip. "I have a baby brother!" He squealed, covering his mouth afterward.
"What?" Wade asked.
"No way bro." Ned smiled. "Congrats." He patted his friend on his back.
"Thanks." Peter smiled.
"Wait, wait, wait..." Wade interrupted. "Does that mean Tony and Dr. Strange..." He made a gesture with his hands.
"Eww. No." Peter said. "No. NO. How- Why-" Peter shook his head. "No. They adopted him from Miss Vase's Home for Children. His name is Oliver."
"Well, I can't wait to meet him." Ned said.
"Yeah Petey, take me to meet him later today." Wade said.
The bell rang. "Without a doubt." Peter said as he began to run down the hallway. "Bye guys!"
Stephen sigh in relief when Oliver had stopped crying as he held him in his arms, humming as he bounced him gently up and down to the rhythm of his humming. This was extremely embarrassing for him, all these people eyed him at the grocery store.
"Alright, lets get our shopping over with." Stephen said, pulling Oliver away from him and placing him in the seat for toddlers in the cart. He made a pouty lip. Stephen's smile disappeared from his face. "No, no, no, no, no. It's okay-" Oliver began to cry again. Big crocodile tears ran down his cheeks. Stephen picked him up again, and began to rock him; trying to quiet him down. "There, there. It's okay. It's o-"
"Excuse me, you dropped your shopping list." Came a voice from behind Stephen. He turned around only to see Steve standing there with a piece of paper in his hand.
"Oh, hey Steve. Thanks." Stephen said, taking the list from him. Oliver was holding on tightly to him again, quieted down.
"You're welcome." Steve said. He noticed the small child Stephen was holding. "And who might this little person be?" He asked, trying to get a better view.
"Oh, this..." Stephen turned Oliver to Steve. "This is Oliver." Oliver turned when he heard his name.
"Hey there." Steve smiled at the toddler.
Oliver turned right back around, hiding in Stephen's neck. "Shy one, isn't he?" Steve asked."The shyest." Stephen said.
"Who're you baby sitting for?" Asked Steve, looking at Stephen now.
"No one actually. He's my younger son." Stephen clarified, blushing a little.
"Oh." Steve stood back for a little. "Well congratulations." He said, placing his hand on Stephen's shoulder.
"Thank you." Stephen smiled at him. He looked at his shopping cart. "Hey, would you mind helping me out with some groceries? You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Of course. It'd be my pleasure." Steve smiled at Stephen, taking the cart. "Where to boss?" He asked.
"The produce section." He said, pointing over to the "Fresh Produce" sign.
"Lets get those veggies."

My Parents are Gay
FanfictionJust a cute lil story about Ironstrange trying to raise lil Spidey in the safest, non-dangerous way. A happy lil family. Fluff and slight nsfw. So be careful.