Narrator's POV
A very emotionally disturbed Peter walked into the Sanctum, sighing. His head was still full of thoughts and emotions.
"Hello Peter, how was your-"
"Not now." He interrupted Stephen and stomped over to the staircase. He went up a few steps and put his backpack down, sitting down. He wrapped his arms around his knees, drawing them close to his chest, and staring at the front door or so it seemed. He was just actually staring into space as millions of thoughts ran through his head.
Stephen stared at him, Tony was peeking out of the dining room. "Oh, alright. I'll leave you to whatever you're doing. Just know I have dinner ready."
"Yeah. Okay." Peter said, still thinking. Tony looked at Stephen. Stephen shrugged and walked into the dining room with Tony.
"You think maybe he and Ned had an argument?" Tony asked.
"No, no. They're too close to actually be mad at each other for that long." Stephen responded. "He's just busy thinking, but I'd give him some space."
"Mr. Stark, Dr. Strange..." Peter's voice came into the dining room. The tone of his voice sounded a little scared, fragile, and nervous.
Stephen looked up from his salad bowl, and finished the salad he was currently chewing. Tony wiped away at some tomato sauce from his lips from the spaghetti he was eating. "Yes?" They both answered.
"May I..." Peter said shyly, seriously debating weather or not to step into the dining room.
"Please." Stephen said, pointing at the chair he pulled out for Peter with his magic.
"Uh...thanks." Peter sat down. He had a plate of dinner sitting in front of him. He picked up his fork and poked at it. His empty hand rested on his cheek. "Hm." He gave a low groan.
Tony and Stephen both looked at each other.
"So...Peter." Tony started. "How was your day?"
"Yeah. How'd your day go Peter?" Stephen added.
Peter sighed. "I don't know." He said, still poking at the peas in his plate. He began to separate the peas and carrots.
Tony and Stephen shot each other another look. They were both growing a little worried, but decided to leave Peter alone. They continued eating their dinner.
"Can I talk to you about something?" Peter asked, laying his fork down. His head hung low, and his hands were in his lap; crumbling a napkin.
"Of course Peter. Anything." Stephen reassured him, already sensing the tension and fear radiating off of Peter. Both Tony and Stephen put their silverware down and paid full attention to Peter.
"I've been really confused about this for the longest time, and I've tried to ignore it for as long as I could; but a friend brought it up today. I don't know why I got so uncomfortable, maybe it's because I'm unsure about it. But t-today..." His voice quivered, his throat had a huge lump in it. He was choking. "...a friend told me that someone likes me. And I'm scared to like them back because I don't know if it's wrong, and I'm scared of what you and everyone else will think or say." Tears began to run down his cheeks.
"It's okay Peter. We're here for you." Stephen said as he leaned closer to Peter. Tony leaned in too.
Peter sniffled, still looking down. "I think I like h-him too." He said, quietly. Tony and Stephen looked at each other in surprise.
"Him?" Asked Tony.
Peter looked up at his guardians, tears ran down his cheeks. His cheeks, nose and ears glowed red. "I-I think I'm g-gay..." Peter said, crying now. He felt so embarrassed, so ashamed all of a sudden. Tears waterfalled out of his eyes. He was shaking.
So many thoughts ran though his mind as no sound came from Tony and Stephen.
They're quiet. What if they're mad? What if they're disappointed? Would they accept this? Did I just come out to Ironman and Dr. Strange? What if they wanted me to be straight and normal? What if they tell everyone else, and then everyone hates me?
"Oh Peter." Came Stephen's voice. Peter looked up as he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He saw Stephen giving him a gentle smile. Tony had one plastered on his face too.
Levi placed himself on Peter's shoulders and wrapped himself around the crying boy for reassurance. Peter sniffled. "Y-You're not mad?" He asked. Levi wiped away some tears from his red puffy eyes.
"Mad?" Tony gave a small chuckle. "Come here kid." He leaned closer to Peter and embraced him. Stephen joined them. "We could never be mad at you for loving who you want." Tony said softly.
Tears began to run down Peter's face again. He sniffled and grabbed on tightly to his guardians. "I was just so scared that you wouldn't accept me. I was so embarrassed, so ashamed." He said letting his emotions spill everywhere.
"Don't be Peter." Stephen stroke Peter's sandy hair softly. He spoke with a smooth, gentle tone. "We're still going to love you and support you regardless of your preferences." Stephen spoke.
Peter broke the hug, and wiped some tears away with the sleeve of his jacket. "R-Really?"
"Look at us." Tony said drawing Stephen close. They shared a quick kiss. "Why would we be mad? We wouldn't be mad if you turned out gay or straight." Tony told him. "You shouldn't be ashamed to be who you are. If you're happy this way, we are too." Tony smiled at him, smiling at Stephen after.
"Don't be afraid to talk to us about this. We understand. We went through the whole "coming out" process too. Like Tony said, just be you. Be happy." Stephen cupped Peter's chin and lifted his head. Levi wiped the last few tears coming from Peter's eyes.
Peter smiled, gave a little laugh even. "Thank you for understanding." He said shyly, feeling a little silly about crying. "You two are the best parents anyone could ask for." He said as he went in for another hug. His guardians embraced him, smiling.
They pulled away soon. "Now." Stephen spoke. "Go on upstairs and rest. I'm sure it's been a long day for you. And take Levi with you."
"Yes." Peter said, standing up. "Goodnight. Come on Levi." The cloak followed him upstairs.
Tony and Stephen watched him leave with smiles spread across their faces. Tony laid his head on Stephen's shoulder, sighing. The sound of Peter's door shutting echoed throughout the Sanctum.
"I'm proud of him." Tony spoke still smiling and staring in the direction Peter had gone.
"I know." Stephen replied, doing the same as Tony.

My Parents are Gay
FanfictionJust a cute lil story about Ironstrange trying to raise lil Spidey in the safest, non-dangerous way. A happy lil family. Fluff and slight nsfw. So be careful.