Narrator's POV
"Dads!" Peter ran over to his dads as they came out of the unloading deck with their suit cases. He embraced them.
"Hey Peter." Stephen smiled.
"I missed you guys so much." He said.
"We did too." Tony said. Thor approached them, smiling.
"Ah Tony. I see you finally finished your moon." He said.
"Still not how that works." Tony said, stepping aside from Peter and Stephen.
"Look what we brought you." Stephen said to Peter in the background.
"He wasn't too much trouble was he?" Asked Tony.
"Oh no, no, no. All went well. You have raised your son very well Tony. " Thor complemented.
"Why thank you." Tony said, feeling proud of himself.
"He's a very good driver too." He said.
"Excuse me, what?" Came Stephen's voice.
"Nothing!" Tony turned to Stephen.
"Peter is a very good driver." Said Thor again. "He told me that Tony let him drive one day while you were gone." He pointed at Stephen.
Stephen looked at Peter."You learned to drive?" Stephen asked Peter.
"Um...yes?" Peter answered, unsure of how Stephen would react.
"I am so proud of you." Stephen held Peter close. "My little boy has learned to drive." He shot a glare to Tony.
"Yeah, he even told me that it was on his way to school in heavy New York traffic." Thor said.
"Oh." Stephen looked at Tony. "Well then, he'll be a very good driver when he grows up." Stephen patted Peter on the head. "I'm sure his father will be very excited to share the rest at home."
Tony gave Stephen a nervous smile and a small chuckle.
"Tony what were thinking letting Peter drive?" Stephen asked, towering over Tony.
"Do not raise your voice at me." Tony said, using his shoes to make himself slightly taller than Stephen.
"Did you just make yourself taller than me?" Asked Stephen.
"Yes, I did." Tony snapped back sassily.
"Urgh..." Peter groaned sitting on the staircases listening to his dads argue. He'd had enough. He got up. "I'm going out." He said. His dads were too busy arguing to hear what he said. He left the house and decided to go for a nice stroll around the city. He pulled his phone out and called Wade.
"They just argue over the littlest things." Peter explained as he and Wade sat on the ledge of a tall building. Their legs hung from the edge. Wade was wearing his suit because Peter had called while he was on a job, but he really didn't mind. His boyfriend needed him, and he was going to be there for him.
"I think they just want to keep you safe Peter, but I think they might be a little over protective." Wade said. He'd lifted the part of his mask that covered his mouth to be able to eat strawberry danish. Peter had one too.
"Yeah. I proved myself to Mr. Stark. Now I just gotta prove myself to Dr. Strange." Peter said, taking a bite of his danish. "But I'm very happy for them. They're really happy together. Marriage is a wonderful thing." He said.

My Parents are Gay
FanfictionJust a cute lil story about Ironstrange trying to raise lil Spidey in the safest, non-dangerous way. A happy lil family. Fluff and slight nsfw. So be careful.