First Kiss

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Narrator's POV

I fallen in love
I fallen in love for the first time
This time I know it for real
I've fallen in love
God knows
God knows I've fallen in love

"What is it you want to break free from?" Asked Stephen, leaning against the doorframe of Peter's room. This was one of his favorite songs.

Peter was sitting at his desk, sketching something while an old record player, the heavy gift box Tony had given him, played "The Works" album by Queen.

"Never being kissed." Peter said.

"Oh." Stephen's shoulders jumped a little in surprise. He wasn't going to over react. Peter was growing up and needed to experience new things. Stephen was a teenager once, he understood. He had nothing against curiosity, he was very curious himself when he was younger and still was. "Well that's nice."

Peter turned to Stephen. "Doctor Dad please don't tell Iron Dad." Peter said, sounding a little nervous.

Stephen gave him a soft smile. He stepped into the room and closed the door gently. "I swear on the time stone." He said, going over to Peter's bed and sitting on the edge. Peter turned his rolling chair to his dad.

"I know Iron Dad doesn't like Wade, but I really do. I want to be with him all the time. He treats me like a prince, and he makes me happy. And I really want to be with him for as long as I can." Peter said. "But I know Iron Dad doesn't like him, and I don't know what to do." Peter's eyes formed pools of tears in them. His head hung low. Stephen watched. "I want Iron Dad to be happy. I feel like he's disappointed with me for making this choice. Like, he knows I can do better, but this is my better. I love Wade, he loves me too. I just want Iron Dad to be happy, and for me to be happy." Peter broke down crying.

"Hey, no, no, no, no Peter. Come here. It's okay. Please don't cry." Stephen pulled his son closer, embracing him. Peter had his face buried in Stephen's chest. He spoke softly. "Your dad isn't disappointed in you."

Peter sniffled, he turned his face from Stephen's chest and placed his ear against his dad's chest. He stared at the floor. "He's not?" He asked, in a scared little voice. Like a small child that had gotten frightened by a nightmare.

"Of course not Peter. He could never. He loves you very much." Stephen said. "It might seem like he doesn't agree with you and Wade, but he's only trying to protect you because he loves you. He's very proud of you."

"You really think so?" Peter asked, looking up at his dad now.

Stephen took his son's face in his hands. "I know so." He leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "Let's wipe those tears away, okay?" Stephen used his thumbs to wipe away the tears on his son's cheeks. He gave his son a soft smile. "Honey, it shouldn't matter what your dad thinks. You come before anyone else. If you're happy, stay that way regardless of what everyone else thinks or says. Be you." Stephen said.

"Thanks dad." Peter smiled.

Stephen pulled him in for a hug. "You're dad and I are very proud of you Peter. We love you so much."

"I love you too." Peter said, smiling and hugging his dad back.


"You two have a fun night and be safe." Stephen waved at Peter and Wade as they walked down the street.

"By dads." Peter waved back.

"You better have him home by ten." Tony said, standing by Stephen.

"Sir yes sir." Wade said, laughing afterward.

"If you think I'm joking-"

Stephen shut him up. "Have fun!" He closed the door.

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