Narrator's POV
"Tony, Honey, I'm back. I've missed you so m-" Stephen dropped his bags once he stepped in the living area from the portal he'd opened.
He was in absolute shock when he saw what sat in front him. Peter and Tony asleep together on the couch, wrapped in a red blanket.
"Levi, get my phone." He whispered. Levi got it from one of Stephen's bags. He opened his camera app and snapped a few 25 photos. Tony began to shift in his sleep, Stephen put the phone away quickly. He picked up his bags and opened a portal behind him, making it seem that he had just gotten home.
"Urgh..." Tony groaned and sat up slowly, slithering out from under Peter, trying not to disturb him from his sleep. He yawned and stretched, then he sat up quickly; noticing Stephen. "Stephen. You're home." He looked around him. There was no way he was going to have a good explanation for this mess. "Uuuuuhhh..."
"It's fine love..." Stephen kissed Tony's cheek and leaned closer to his ear, grabbed his wrist and squeezed hard. " long as Peter didn't have any dairy." He said.
Tony's eyes widen. "Y-Yeah. I read your note." He said.
"Good." He let go of Tony. "Quite the mess you've made here." Stephen said looking around. He caught a glimpse of the soda cans. "Excuse me are those soda cans?"
"Could you be a little quieter?" Asked Tony, trying to keep it quiet for the sleeping teenager on the couch.
"NOT REALLY!" Shouted Stephen.
"H-Huh?! I'm up! I'm up!" Peter sat up quickly, startled. "Dr. Strange?"
"I banned these sugary satanic liquids from this house." He had an empty can in his hand. He went around the counter.
"Wait Stephen don't-" Tony stopped when Stephen opened a cabinet and empty soda cans flowed out of it.
Stephen turned to them with his mouth opened, his expression showing disbelief. "Tony what the fu-"
Tony covered Peter's ears.
It was the next morning. Peter and Stephen were up already. Stephen was cooking breakfast, and Peter was already dressed. He was patiently waiting for his breakfast.
"Uuuhmmmm... Mr. Stra- I mean Doc- no... Mist-"
"What is it kid? You can call me anything you want."
Peter smiled brightly. "Coooollll! So, can I call you Doctor Dad because my Iron Dad really needs someone like you."
Stephen turned back to Peter, little pools of tears forming in his eyes. "With a my heart, please, call me that way..." Stephen smiled, going over to Peter and hugging him.
Tony soon appeared from up stairs. "Good morning family." He said, yawning.
"Mornin' Dad." Peter smiled at Tony. Tony went over to him and messed his hair up. "Mornin' Stephen." He kissed the wizard's cheek.
"I've been gone for three days. Don't I deserve something more?" Asked Stephen.
Tony smiled and rolled his eyes. He pulled Stephen close, chest to chest, and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He gazed at Stephen.
"If you could only see how wonderful you look right now." Tony spoke softly.
"And I wish you would just accept how beautiful you are." Stephen said right back.
Peter smiled at them, sniffling a little. Stephen and Tony looked him. "Can one of you propose already?"
Tony and Stephen looked at each, giving a small smile. Stephen stretched out his hand and showed Peter the red ring on his pinky finger.
"No way." Peter gasped. Tony and Stephen chuckled quietly. Peter jumped on them and embraced them. He began to sob, spilling happy tears. "I am so happy." He cried.
Tony and Stephen smiled and held their child in their arms. "We are too." Tony said.
"We'll see you after school, okay?" Stephen said as they dropped Peter off at school.
"Okay." Peter has a huge smile on his face. He began to walk away.
"Hey Peter." Came Tony's voice from the driver's side. Peter approached the passenger window, Stephen moved back a little. "Keep this a secret, okay?"
"Will do." Peter smiled.
Tony smiled back him. "Have a great day kid." The bell rang.
"I will!" Peter said, flooding into the school building along with other students.
Stephen and Tony watched him disappear. They drove away.
Peter sat next to Ned, tapping his foot anxiously on the floor. He was just so excited, so happy that his two favorite people in the world were getting married. He couldn't contain himself. He had to tell someone.
"Psst. Ned." Peter whispered.
"What?" Ned whispered back.
The teacher was up at the board explaining notes.
"My dads are engaged." He whispered in a high pitch.
"What? No way!" Ned smiled.
"Yes Ned?" Asked the teacher, as Ned interrupted the lesson.
"Uh...nothing. I just forgot my homework for my other class." He said.
"Well, keep it down." She said, and went back to teaching.
"Dude that's awesome. Congrats." He whispered.
"Thanks. I'm so excited." Peter whispered back, jumping a little in his desk.
Tony was at the lab, working on some project he'd been constructing for a while now. Stephen was away at the children's clinic. Probably having lunch, as Tony had memorized his lunch hour. He decided to take a break too. He sat down at his desk, laying back.
His phone went off. He took it out of his pocket and opened the message. It was Wade texting Peter.
"Psh." He rolled his eyes, disabling his spy app on Peter's phone and put his phone down. He put his hand to his chin and sighed. Then an idea sprung in his head. He grabbed his phone and texted Stephen.
As he'd seen in Peter's and Wade's conversation. He snickered. What a risky text.
His phone went off a few moments later. It was Stephen.
Tony why are you sending me empty boxes? Is it code for something?
Tony sighed. "I don't know what I was expecting." He put the phone down. He sent another message.
Just know that I love you with all my heart.
He waited and his screen lit up. He smiled as he red the message he'd receive from his soon to be husband.

My Parents are Gay
FanfictionJust a cute lil story about Ironstrange trying to raise lil Spidey in the safest, non-dangerous way. A happy lil family. Fluff and slight nsfw. So be careful.