All According to Plan

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Narrator's POV

"Then we got home. I was still really low by the way."


"And he was still really sad by the way. So I felt like I needed to do something. And I gave him this small speech about how it's okay to miss people."


"Then he gave me this speech about how it was okay to miss people. Then he patted me on the back. I was so happy."


"Then I patted him on the back, hoping that'd cheer him up somewhat. And then..."


"...and then I called him dad." Peter said shoving his face in his pillow as he lay on his stomach. Ned patted his shoulder.


"He called me dad." Tony told Stephen as he sat next to him and had his head on his shoulder. Stephen had his arms around Tony, he was giving a little smile. Tony sat up suddenly. "Wait Stephen! You can't turn back time with your "Eye of Avogadro". Go back in time, then it'll never happen." Tony said.

"No. No. No. Tony, this is good. Don't you see?" Stephen walked up to him.

"It is?" Tony asked.

"It's great!" Stephen smiled. "This means Peter is comfortable with you. He sees you as example. A father figure. Someone he can count on when he needs a hand." Stephen explained.


"Did he yell at you?" Ned asked.


"Did he look mad?"


"Then there's no reason why you should think he hates you. What if he actually liked the fact that you called him dad?" Ned asked. "What if he's always dreamt of having a son, and like...this is it? Like you are it?" Ned stood up. "What if you are the!" He jumped on top of Peter.

"Ned!" Peter yelped. He began laughing.


"I don't know Stephen, what if I'm not a good dad? What if I turn out just like my father?" Tony said, his tone becoming sad.

"Listen to me Tony." Stephen took him by the shoulder. "You are better than your dad. I know you are. Your heart is twice as big as his."

"That's technically not possible-"

"Oh you know what I mean. You're a great man, a loving boyfriend, and I know you'll be a great dad." Stephen smiled at him. Tony returned the smile.

"Wait, does that mean I have to teach him how to catch and ride a bike?"

"It's a good thing you're cute." Stephen laughed.

-Next Day-

It was early morning, before the sun even thought about peeking out from the horizon. Stephen always got up at this time, he had breakfast to make and business to attend.

He took a quick shower, fixed his hair. You know, did his morning routine. He wrapped himself in his blue robe, and Levi sat on his shoulders. Dr. Strange ready to start the day.

He walked out of his room, only to notice a light was lit downstairs.

Boom Boom Woosh

His magical shields appeared at his hands. He  approached very carefully.

"Tony?" He asked once he saw his boyfriend's back facing him, sitting on a stool at the counter.

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