Really Not Skipping

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Narrator's POV

"You think you'll get some sleep tonight?" Asked Stephen as he got into bed.

"Now that I have my little spoon, yes." Tony said, scooping Stephen as soon as he got into bed.

"Are you telling me the only reason you didn't sleep for seventy two hours was because I wasn't here?" Asked Stephen.

"I couldn't. I missed feeling your heartbeat on my chest and consuming your warmth." Tony explained, snuggling close to Stephen.

"It's good to hear I was missed." Stephen smiled.

The two fell into a slumber soon enough.


Tony turned to his bedroom door as it opened, a long shadow reached reached the foot of the bed. An outline of a familiar figure was at the door step. It went over to his bedside.

"Dad, did you know that all odd numbers have an 'e' in it?" Came Peter's voice.

"For god's sake Peter. It's three in the morning." Tony said, turning his back to Peter and covering himself up again.

"Three. T-h-r-E-E." Peter spelled. "mR. StArK."

"Stephen." Groaned Tony.

"On it." Stephen groaned back.

"Wait, wha-" Peter fell through a portal that opened at his feet, landing him in his room on his bed.

"Friday, lock the door." Tony said.

Yes sir.

The clicking of the bedroom door lock silenced the night.


Stephen was already down stairs making breakfast. He was getting this odd feeling. Peter wasn't down stairs yet.

He let out a sigh of relief when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs behind him.

"Mornin' Stephen." Came Tony's voice. Stephen turned in his direction.

"Where's Peter?" He asked.

"I thought he was already down here." Tony answered.

"He should've been down here fifteen minutes ago." Stephen explained.

"I don't know where he could-"

"Dr. Dad..." Came a hoarse voice from the stair case. Peter was still in his pajamas with Levi wrapped around him. His nose and cheeks had a hint of red. There were dark bags under his eyes. He sniffled.

"Oh my goodness Peter." Tony hurried over to him.

"Oh no." Stephen groaned and let his head fall back. He went over to Peter's side soon.

"Are you aching? Can you breathe? Are you going to faint? Are you dying?" He shot all these questions at Peter. "Friday run a full diagnostic!"


Stephen placed his hand on Peter's head, then on his back. "Hm."

"What is it Stephen? Is he dying? Why just "hm"? Hm?" Tony asked.

"Calm down." Stephen said calmly. "It's just a fever." He said, looking at Peter.

"I also threw up my trash can." Peter said weakly.

"Peter, go lay back down. I'll bring you breakfast up stairs. You need to go lay down again." Stephen said.

"O-Okay." Peter made his way up stairs again. There was more vomiting noises. "Be careful going up stairs." Peter gave a weak chuckle.


On it sir.

Tony turned to Stephen.

"How come I don't get breakfast in bed?" He asked.

"What're you taking about? You get dinner, midnight snacks, and breakfast every day." Said Stephen, walking back to the kitchen.

Tony stood there, wide eyed in shock. A blush settled across his face.


Tony was down at the lab working on some small part of his suit. Stephen came in.

"How's Peter?" Asked Tony, still focusing on the part.

"Well, his temperature is still a little high." Stephen said. "But I found out some very interesting stuff." Stephen said, picking up a price of paper off Tony's desk.

"Oh yeah?" Asked Tony still into the part.

"Yeah." Stephen sighed. "I suppose you and Peter had plenty of fun eating cake, greasy food..." Stephen went silent for a few seconds. " cream." He said.

Tony stopped, and froze for a few seconds. He looked up at Stephen. "Uh..." Stephen began to form a red rope around Tony's body. "Listen, Stephen, Honey, Baby..." He laughed nervously.

"I thought you said, you read my note." The rope began to tighten.

"I did. I really did, b-but he begged me. He begged and begged. And I just couldn't say no." Tony said, struggling a little now.

"But that's not all." Stephen said.

"It's not? W-Ahh!" Tony was lifted off his seat and into the air. He was hung upside down in front of Stephen.

"Peter also told me he had lots of fun grocery shopping with his father while skipping school." Stephen said.

"I-I couldn't carry all the groceries by myself." Tony said. "Plus, Peter hates it there."

"Are you kidding me? He's a bright boy with a bright future. You're just going to ruin his education like that and spoil his chance to be successful in life by showing him it's okay to skip school?" Stephen said in disappointment. "Gosh." Stephen turned his back, crossing his arms to the hanging Tony. "I don't even want to know what the dentist said about Peter after all that junk food."

"Dentist?" Asked Tony.

"You didn't take him to his dentist appointment?!" Stephen gasped, the red ropes disappeared from Tony's body, forcing him to hit the floor.

"Ow..." Tony groaned. Stephen picked him up by his shirt.

"Not only are you putting our son's future in jeopardy, but his beautiful smile too." Stephen was mad.

Tony smiled. "You're hot when your mad." He said.

Stephen rolled his eyes and dropped him. "Oh lord, sometimes I question why I chose to protect this reality." He began to walk out of the lab.

"Because you found me." Tony said, only receiving a rude gesture from Stephen's left hand that went up in the air.

"Hey! You can't do that to me!" Tony shouted.

"I'm Doctor Fucking Strange!" Stephen said walking away.

"And I'm fucking Dr. Strange." Tony said under his breath.

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