Spare Some Love

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Narrator's POV

Loki walked down stairs, it was early in the morning. He had planned leaving without disturbing the silence and peaceful atmosphere of the home. He gathered his things and walked over to the front door. He opened the door slowly.

"Leaving so soon?" Came a voice.

Loki tuned around to see Stephen in the kitchen. He put something in the pan, and it began to make hissing sounds.

"Stephen." Loki said, closing the door. "You're up early." He said, walking over to the kitchen.

"I'm always up this early." Stephen said. "Got hungry mouths to feed."

"Well, I'm sure they will enjoy this delicious smelling food." Loki smiled.

"You're not staying for breakfast?" Stephen asked.

"I couldn't. You've already given me so much." Loki backed off a little.

"I can't have you leaving on an empty stomach." Stephen said mixing some stuff in a bowl.

"Stephen, I-"

"I'm making waffles~" Stephen cocked his eyebrows, smirking.

"Well..." Loki blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "I suppose I could stay for one."


"Mph." Tony shifted in his bed. He didn't feel Stephen there, but he wasn't alarmed. He knew his husband was down stairs, making breakfast. He sat up and yawned. He stretched and got out of bed. He put his slippers on and went over to the bathroom. He checked himself in the mirror. "Ew." He said. He then smiled. "What a beautiful mess." He yawned again and walked out of the room and into the hallway. "Stephen, Honey what are you-" He stopped when he saw what was going on in the kitchen.

"Oh hey Tony." Stephen smiled. He was making more waffle batter. "Look who decided to help with breakfast."

"Good morning Tony." Loki smiled at him, carrying a plate of fresh waffles and placing them on the counter.

"Morning." Tony groaned and sat down at the counter. " I thought Loki was leaving this morning." He said, taking a waffle and biting it.

"Well, I thought he'd grab some breakfast before he left." Stephen said. "Turns our he's quite the helper."

"Well thank you." Loki smiled at Stephen.

Little footsteps ran throughout the house on the top floor. Giggles were heard.

"Grrr!" A muffled growl could be heard. Then a scream accompanied by a giggle came after it.

"The kids are up." Loki said.

"They're always up when it's waffle day." Stephen said.

"You know, if you needed help with breakfast; you could've just woken me up." Tony said. Stephen shot him a stare, knowing what Tony was trying to do.

"Tony, why don't you set the table up?" He said.

"Allow me. Tony looks like he's having a rough morning." Loki said.

"No. No. I'm a big boy. I get set up the table." Tony said, getting up from his seat and going over to the one of the cabinets, getting plates out.

"D-Daddy!" Oliver came down screaming.

"I'm gonna get you!" Peter said, coming after him. He caught him. Oliver giggled as Peter blew a strawberry in his tummy.

"Peter don't chase your brother down the stairs, you could hurt yourselves." Stephen said.

"Sorry." Peter said. He let go of Oliver. Oliver ran to the living room. "Waffle day." He said. He noticed Loki on the other side of Stephen. "Uncle Loki. You're still here." He said.

"Good morning Peter." Loki smiled.

"Uncle Loki!" Oliver came in running to Loki.

"Oliver!" Loki stretched his arms out for Oliver to run into, and he did just that. Loki picked him up. "Good morning." He said.

"I thought you left." Oliver said.

"Me too." Tony said.


"This was a wonderful breakfast. Thank you very much Stephen." Loki said, standing at the sink. He was washing dishes, while Stephen picked up the table.

"Don't mention it." Stephen said.

Tony had gone into his room to get dressed, and the kids had run upstairs to get ready as well. They were all fixing to go out.

Stephen walked over to the sink, placing more dishes in. He rolled up his sleeves and began to help Loki out.

"I'm sorry about Tony's behavior." Stephen apologized. "I guess he wasn't having a very good morning."

"It's quite alright. I'm sure breakfast made up for it." Loki smiled at Stephen.

"Yes. Maybe." Stephen responded.

They shared a little laugher.

They were soon done washing the dishes. Everything was put up and cleaned up. Loki had gathered his things and was at the door. Stephen was drying his hands as he followed Loki to the door.

"Thank you so much again for everything." Loki said, as he stepped out the door.

"No, thank you for taking care of the kids while Tony and I were out." Stephen said, standing at the doorway.

"My pleasure." Loki said.

"You're welcomed back any time." He smiled. "Don't even bother knocking."

"Oh, I will certainly come back." Loki said, smiling at Stephen.

Stephen smiled back at him. "Have a good day Loki."

"You too." Loki, stuck his hand out for Stephen to shake.

Stephen took his hand and shook it, only to be pulled into Loki. Their lips crashed together. Loki placed a hand on Stephen's cheek and pulled him closer, kissing him softly. He enjoyed the doctor's soft lips against his. Stephen was very confused and surprised by what was going on. Loki pulled away once he heard someone coming.

Stephen stood in confusion, staring at Loki.

"Uncle Loki, you're leaving already?" Peter asked. "You weren't going to say goodbye?"

"Of course I was." Loki smiled at him. Peter hugged him.

"Uncle Loki wait!" Oliver came running over to him. He squeezed between Peter and Loki, holding clinging to Loki's leg. "Goodbye." He smiled up at him.

"Goodbye." Tony ruffled his head, smiling.

Tony came into the scene. "Tony." Loki stuck his hand out.

"Bye." Tony shook his hand.

"Alright kids. I must be on my way." Loki said.

Peter and Oliver pulled away from him.

"Bye!" They both said.

"Goodbye." He waved. He looked over at Stephen, who was still confused of what that kiss was. "Stephen." He said, giving him a small nod. Then he walked down the drive way.

"Honey, are you okay?" Tony asked Stephen.

Stephen looked at him. "Yes. I'm fine. I'm fine." He answered, looking back at the door. "It's fine." He said.

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