He's Lost

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Narrator's POV

"This guy's no joke. Peter I don't want you playing around, this isn't your average "steal the bank" bad guy. He likes to kill people." Tony told Peter.

"I know dad. Uncle Brock told me." Peter said, dodging a red shadow that flew past him. "Whoa. I think he's a little friendly."

"Friday, the details." Tony spoke in his helmet. A blue projection popped up on his screen.

Extraterrestrial life form. Symbiote to be exact. Origin is unknown sir. Known as Carnage. This alien race is known for being indestructible. This particular one is also known for causing massive damage, and likes to hunt for hosts.

"Isn't that just delightful?" Tony blasted the symbiote. "Give me the good stuff Friday."

Their weakness is fire. This causes their cells to boil, expanding the cell wall and-

"Fire bad. Alright got it." Tony dodged an attack from the savage symbiote. "Strange, this thing doesn't like fire. Light it up." Tony said through the radio in his helmet.

"Got it." Stephen beginning to cast a spell.

"No! Wait!" Peter came into the radio. "Uncle Brock is down there. Venom will burn too."

Tony and Stephen both looked down below them. In the mess of broken buildings and rubble, the red symbiote sat on top of a car, and venom approached slowly.

"He said he'd try to reason with him." Peter explained.

"He better, or I'm releasing the fireworks." Tony said.


"Carnage stop. Don't hurt this earth." Venom spoke.

"Why would I listen to a traitor?" Carnage asked, showing his sharp teeth and sticking his tongue out. "You betrayed your race, your home. Us!" Carnage screeched.

"These people are good. They do not want to hurt us-"

"Then why are they hurting me?!" Carnage growled.

"Because you are killing their people and destroying their home. They do not do that to us." Venom said, approaching closer and closer to the savage symbiote.

"They hurt me! Destroyed my home! My family!"

"That is not their way. It was not their intention." Venom was close to placing his hand on Carnage. 

"You have taken their ways and betrayed your race. You betrayed your family." Carnage growled. He stood up. "TRAITOR!" Carnage screeched. 

He leaped onto Venom and bit his shoulder, tearing at the black from his shoulder, revealing Eddie. He was bleeding. 

"Argh! Venom." Eddie groaned. His shoulder had been scratched and was bleeding. 

"You carry one of them!" Carnage screeched and went in for another large bite. 

"Carnage no!" Venom growled. 


"Uncle Brock!" Peter swung down to help his hurt uncle. 

"I'm lighting this place up." Tony tried to grab him, but Peter was too fast. 

"Come one Tony." Stephen followed Peter. The family was ready to fight.


"Hey! Don't hurt him!" Peter webbed Carnage in the face. 

Carnage gave a two pitch scream, and tried to remove the webbing from his eyes. Peter went over to Eddie. 

"Uncle Eddie, are you okay?" He asked, looking at the large wound on Eddie's shoulder. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. Venom can heal it." He said. "You need to get out of here." Eddie said. Stephen and Tony appeared behind Peter. 

"Peter what were you thinking jumping into danger like that?" Stephen asked. 

"Uncle Eddie was in trouble." Peter said. 

"Stand back. I'm lighting this puppy up." Tony said, pointing his hands at Carnage, who was still trying to get the webbing out of his sight. 

"NO." Venom growled. 

"No Tony." Eddie said. He stood up. "You can't kill it. He... He doesn't want to hurt it." 

"What do you mean "no"? This thing tore your shoulder up." Tony said, looking back at Eddie. 

"He is my friend. My family." Venom spoke. " I want to change his mind." 

"Look at him." Stephen said with his shields up. They looked back at Carnage who was hitting cars and throwing things as the had grown annoyed by the webbing obstructing his view. "We cannot keep him here. He will hurt someone." 

"Dad!" Peter warned too late. Carnage swung a large piece of concrete, knocking Stephen into a wall.

"Stephen!" Tony went flew over to Stephen. 

Peter looked back at Carnage who ripped the webbing from his face. His view was fixed on Peter. 

"Peter run!" Eddie yelled and was taken by long red strings of the savage symbiote. 

"Uncle Brock!" Peter swung over to Carnage and kicked him from behind. "Let him go you monster-" Carnage got a hold of Peter's throat. 

"Peter!" Tony rushed over to him, only to be taken by the helmet and thrown into a building. 

Stephen came to assist Peter, but was impaled by in the stomach by Carnage. 

"Carnage stop. You are hurting them." Venom said, ramming into Carnage. Carnage dropped Peter, who gasped for air. 

"Do not speak to me about hurting. I know what hurting is. You do not." Carnage slithered into Venom's shoulder. Venom screeched and Eddie groaned in pain. Carnage was ripping the two apart. Carnage threw Eddie into a building, he became unconscious. "You are weak." Carnage said, throwing Venom somewhere. Carnage was ready to leap into the air, when something stuck to his feet, dragging him down. He looked, webbing were attached to his feet. Peter was standing at the other end of the webbing. He screeched, leaping into the air. 

Peter watched. He was unaware of what he had triggered into Carnage's mind. "Spider." He said, smirking, showing his teeth. He launched himself onto Peter, knocking him down. Imprinting him into the concrete. Peter's ribs were crushed, and his lungs punctured. He gasped for air. He managed to pick his head up and looked at his parents rushing toward him. Everything was moving very slow, almost in slow motion. He could feel his heart beat pounding hard. His view was blurred.  He reached his arms out for them. He looked behind him, Carnage was right at his feet, melting into the ground and forming a puddle on the ground; starting to slither up Peter's legs. He looked back at his parents. His vision was going, it was darkening. 

"Dad..." His voice echoed in his mind. 

Carnage had taken him over. Everything stopped. He couldn't hear anything, see anything, or feel anything. He was cold, very cold. 

The last thing he heard before he went completely numb was a high pitch screech erupting him his throat. 

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