🌹Godly Beauty🌹

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In the land of Greece, there was an unnamed kingdom rule by King Chanyeol and his beautiful husband, Prince Baekhyun.

King Chanyeol was once a lonely king who ruled the kingdom alone but then he met Baekhyun and they happily got married.

A few years passed, Baekhyun gave birth to twins, Jisoo and Jennie.

They were humanly beautiful and many people were awed

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They were humanly beautiful and many people were awed. Both of them were praised with their beauty by many subjects. They loved getting praised every single day until Baekhyun had another child, but this time, it's a boy. King Chanyeol was happy to have an heir to the throne. A child that could give the Kingdom of Greece a better future and be good and respectful to the Gods of Olympus.

The youngest grew up as time passed. He grew even more beautiful day by day. The people were in awe once they laid their eyes on the young prince who has an aesthetic godly beauty. They have never seen such a look that was above normal.

That beautiful young prince is Taehyung.

Everytime Taehyung went out of the castle, he could feel many eyes on him which made uncomfortable

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Everytime Taehyung went out of the castle, he could feel many eyes on him which made uncomfortable. The talks about his godly beauty reached from different places until it went to Troy. Many guys and women from nobles to royals wanted to marry him but he declined every single one of them.

Taehyung didn't want anyone to marry him because of his looks. He believed he was cursed but the people said otherwise. The people would surround him and worshipped him like some beauty goddess and Taehyung didn't like that at one bit. His sisters even envied Taehyung for he had the most attention than them. They, sometimes, bullied the young prince verbally that could low his self-esteem.

He didn't ask for this kind of life-being born with godly beauty that could mistaken him as an Olympian God or a Goddess of Beauty himself and jealous sisters to pull him down to make him believe that he's cursed.


It was another typical day for Taehyung. He walked out of the castle to explore around the Kingdom and to help some poor family. When he passed by, many people had their eyes glued on him.

Taehyung walked towards the fountain where there are old beggars with street children. The young prince felt sorry for them and decided to help them the best he could. He loved helping the poor, he wanted his birthplace full of happy people.

Taehyung saw a poor old man clutching his stomach and approached him, kneeling down in front of him. "Hello, sir." The old beggar's eyes widened in shock to see the beautiful prince in front of him. Taehyung just smiled and took out a bread out of the basket. "Eat, it's bad to have an empty stomach, right?" He said while holding the bread out. The old man looked hesitant but slowly, accepting it, making Taehyung smiled wider. "Bless you by the gods, young prince." He said, holding his hand and kissed his knuckles to show an appreciation. "It's nothing, I love helping my people." Taehyung replied with a soft smile. At the corner of his eye, he saw a poor pregnant woman with two kids beside, leaning against the cemented wall, watching the passer-bys. He stood up and slowly walked towards them.

Taehyung stood in front of them with a sad look. The three beggars looked up at the prince with dull eyes. He knelt down and took out two breads and a jug of water. The kids hesitantly grabbed them and helped their mother eat. Once the three beggars were full, the woman looked at him with a weak smile. "Thank you, young prince." She said and the kids did the same. He smiled back softly. " You're welcome." The woman weakly reached her hand out and caressed his cheek. "You may look just like Prince Baekhyun but you have one beautiful face I've ever seen in my life." She said while stroking his cheek. "Making me wonder if the gods decided to give us a kind-hearted prince to help us, to give us hope." She then smiled widely. Taehyung grabbed her hand that was on the cheek and held it. "It's my duty as the prince. I always wanted to see my people happy." The woman nodded. "I am sure that you'll make a fine king in the future." She said and Taehyung chuckled. "I hope so."


After helping the poor, the young prince went back to the castle to see his parents in the throne room. He approached them and hugged them. "Taehyung, are you out to help the poor again?" Baekhyun asked while looking at his son with his eyebrow raised. Taehyung sheepishly smiled while scratching his head. Baekhyun smiled while shaking his head. "Go take a bath, son and get ready for dinner." Chanyeol said and the young one nodded then headed to his chamber upstairs.

Baekhyun giggled while looking where Taehyung was. "He's too good for this world." He stated as he felt an arm wrapped around his waist. The prince looked up at the kin and smiled. "Let him be." Chanyeol said and pecked the prince's lips before heading to the kitchen.


"You're helping the poor again, Taehyung? " Jennie asked and Taehyung nodded happily. Jennie then let out a small smile. "As I expected. " Jisoo then joined in the conversation. "Everytime you headed out, you always go help the poor and talking to the elders. " Taehyung's box smile started to form, showing his teeth making the family held the urge to pinch his cheeks. "I love helping my kingdom. " He replied.

"You're so cute, Tae. " Jisoo and Jennie said at the same time and pinched his cheeks. "Stop! " He whined making his two elder sisters giggle. They really love teasing their baby brother. They thought that he's so cute for this world yet they felt jealous of Taehyung for standing-out the most of them.

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