🌵The Village 🌵

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Warning: Homophobic comment ahead and a bit of rape. If you can't take it, then skipped those parts.

For how many days and nights, the young prince still continued to travel in the canyon with a child in his belly. For how many days and nights, his once beautiful white robe was now torn and dirty. He always scavenged some food for his unborn child. 

Taehyung walked through the long canyon with his swollen feet. His once soft delicate hands were now rough and scarred from making a fire with rocks and sometimes with a wood. He would sometimes cry out of frustration.

Rainy or sunny, that didn't stop him. He's really persistent to see Jungkook again.

It has been six days.

Taehyung suddenly stopped as he heard people talking and yelling; children laughing. He felt hope rising in his chest as he looked up and saw a village from the distance.

Taehyung smiled and walked to the village, hoping that some people would let him stay for awhile.

"Baby, we are going to the village." He said as he looked down to his stomach and rubbed it.

As he stepped in the village, an awe expression was on his face as he looked around the village. But then, he looked at the people — his smile disappeared as he saw the people giving him weird looks and some looked at his swollen stomach.

Fear crawled up to him as he protected his stomach with his hands and looked down — ignoring the judgement stares from the people as he heard them gossiping him.

"Is that boy pregnant?"

"I don't know, I've never seen a man being a carrier."

"That's disgusting."

"Such a waste of beauty, I would marry him."

"I think his family disowned him for being unusual."

"A disgrace one I say."

"Maybe the gods punished him for being a prostitute."

Taehyung felt himself teared up, trying to ignore those horrible words. Unfortunately, Taehyung was used to people being kind to him and gave him praises but now, he knew that not all humans are kind as he thought.

His thoughts were cut off as he bumped something hard and he staggered backward. But he caught himself and sighed in relief.

Taehyung looked up to see he bumped into someone. He was a tall handsome man but has a wicked grin on his face that means trouble.

"Hey beautiful, I'm Bogum Park." He greeted and Taehyung just froze on the spot. The man named Bogum walked up to him and caressed his face. "What a pretty face, what's your name?" Taehyung slapped his hand away and walked back away from Bogum but unluckily, his back bumped into someone.

Taehyung looked behind him to see another man and he also meant trouble to. The prince was about to run but that man was fast enough to wrap his arms around his delicate body.

"He's asking your name, pretty. It's rude to not answer him by the way, I'm Minhyuk." The other man said and then, nibbled his ear, making Taehyung shivered in disgust.

"Let me go! Please save me!" He pleaded as he looked at the people who looked at the scene but they didn't help him. They only looked.

He felt someone grabbed his chin and harshly tilted up to face a furious Bogum.

"Looks  like we need to punish you." He then smirked and went to his ear. "But we promise will be gentle since you are pregnant and you will love it." Taehyung's eyes widened and clutched his stomach in protection.

' No, Jungkook is the only one who is allowed to touch me.' He thought as tears started to appeared in his eyes.

He then snapped out of his thoughts as he felt himself getting tugged. He tried to pull his hand away from Bogum but Minhyuk grabbed his other hand as they were bringing him to the alleyway.

He was scared and started pray to the gods to save him as he was pinned to the wall with his hands above his head.  He whimpered silently as he felt a hand sliding up on his thighs abd the other hand, slowly tugging the robe down to his shoulder.

"N-no, please!" Taehyung stuttered but Bogum slapped him, making the poor prince gasped in shock.

"Save that pleading once we go to the real deal, we will make you beg for more." Minhyuk said as he started to suck on his neck as Bogum sucking on his shoulder.

' J-Jungkook, please forgive me.'

"What are you doing?!"

Both men looked at the other side of the alleyway and suddenly went pale. Taehyung weakly looked up to see a very beautiful woman with dark hair.

 Taehyung weakly looked up to see a very beautiful woman with dark hair

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"It's the witch." Bogum said. Both men let go of Taehyung and the prince slid down—curling into a protective ball.

"Get out of here." She sneered and both men didn't have to be told twice and ran away, leaving Taehyung crying out of relief.

The woman walked towards the prince and knelt down in front of him. She stroked his hair in a soothing way as she felt pity to the boy.

"It's okay now, your highness." Taehyung quickly looked up at the woman in shock— a stranger knowing his identity.

"My name is Soyeon." She said, letting out a soft smile as Taehyung was traumatized, clutching his belly. Soyeon sighed as she helped Taehyung stand up – his legs shaking.

"Come, Prince Taehyung. Let's go to my cottage." Soyeon said as they slowly walked out of the alleyway.

The people went silent as they saw the witch helping the pregnant boy. Taehyung couldn't look at the people because of their judgmental stare. Soyeon glared at the people.

"What are you looking at?" Soyeon snapped and the people went back what they're doing.

Taehyung and Soyeon walked out of the village. The prince was still traumatized but he felt grateful to Soyeon.

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