Trosia and Celting

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In the village of Celting was Reuben Vidal, who grew up perfectly normal, thank you very much. Just like his peculiar brethren, he was brought to the village after finding out that he would be invisible for the rest of his life. The place was considered a ghost town, since every normal person who saw the village initially saw nothing. This and the fact that no one ever really bothered Reuben, made him very happy. It was a quiet and peaceful life that involved most days sitting on his rocking chair and watching the sun set. Sure, that life often got very lonely, but he still considered himself lucky for finding the village.

He was so used to this quiet life, that he began to hate the idea of change. Of course, life loved to nip people in the rear, and this obviously didn't work for him. It was supposed to be a perfectly normal day, when Reuben first saw the carriage roll into the village. Out stepped the prettiest woman Reuben had ever laid eyes on, with long golden hair, grey eyes, and a pale round face. She smiled warmly at her surroundings, and Reuben immediately fell in love. He ran inside to grab a bouquet of flowers he kept on his dinner table, and went to present them to her. 

Her big eyes went round when she saw the flowers floating towards her, and let out a soft giggle. She took the flowers and held them to her heart.

"Hello," said Reuben, shyly. "My name is Reuben Vidal, and I am a resident of this small village. I apologize if I may have startled you, but I do insist on welcoming you to Celting."

She looked in his general direction, and smiled. The stranger held out her hand for him to kiss. He did kiss it in the end, although it took a couple minutes, since he couldn't get himself to fully develop the idea that a pretty woman like herself would allow him to even look at her. He was positive that she was far more stunning than any princess described to him in the stories his grandmother would recite by heart many years ago.

"I've heard so much about this town, and come here as ambassador from one of your trading partners, Trosia. Have you heard of it?"

"Of course I have heard of Trosia!" Reuben said. "We hardly have any trading partners as it is, but it's rarer to have one come to greet us in person."

"I am sorry for sounding a bit rude, but is there anyone here that I could speak to..... physically?" She asked.

"We're all invisibly peculiar here, Miss...?"

"Miss Caroline Nixon," said the woman.

 Said Reuben, "But I could show you to the highest authority we have."

"That would be absolutely wonderful." 

So Reuben took her arm, and guided her through the village. He talked to her about the little quirks of each family home they crossed, and of the history of the place. She laughed and commented appropriately, which made Reuben's heart flutter just a bit more. When they finally got to the mayor's home, he let go of her arm, and knocked on the door for her. Right as he was about to leave, however, she called for him to stop wherever he was.

"Mister Vidal, I am very fond of you, and you may find it silly of me to say this, but I think I might have fallen in love with you!" She shouted at the air. "Would you deem it possible for me to ever meet with you again?"

And with that, Celting's mayor's door opened, and she was ushered inside. But Reuben waited outside of that door for her to come back. It was very silly for someone to fall in love as easily as those two did, yet Reuben believed for it to be true love.

He made sure to meet with her again, and they walked around the village for a bit. He asked her why she had come, and she answered honestly. "My village does not see it smart to be trading partners with a town they had never met with before, but I came here to only prove my village wrong. I spoke with your mayor on the benefits of meeting with Trosia's higher authority as well."

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