I Ship It

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It was finally time to leave the island for good. Something that I imagined doing, but never thought would happen. I mean, so many things had happened here in this young mind of mine, and parting with it would be hard. Could I go back home? Maybe in thirty years or so, I could find a younger version of me running around, pulling people's hair.

"I don't wanna go," Claire said, weepy eyed.

I helped lift her up into the boat she would be sharing with Enoch, Fiona, and Horace, ruffling her curls. She shoved my hand away angrily, but then quickly hugged me.

"I'm coming with you, girlie, remember?" I said jokingly. "Plus, we'll all be fine after all of this. No one's gonna come out of this half-dead, I can promise you that. Everything will be alright."

Fun fact, I was not 100% sure that everything would be alright. In fact, I already had a pit in my chest from knowing that something bad would happen. Heather would have called it the Vomit Alarm, because it always made you either want to puke or pass out. Don't you just love being stressed out about every fricking thing?

Claire nodded somberly, and I left her alone. Fiona was coming by with supplies in hand, anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered either way. So I walked over by the boat that me, Jacob, Emma, and Hugh would be sharing. Emma was pacing around the area with the map in hand, muttering to herself.

I would have helped, but she definitely needed space. Plus, you can't fight fire with fire, even if one of them was figurative while the other was literal. It usually didn't end up well, and no one needed physical burns right now. Especially in the heat of things (sorry not sorry).

I found Jacob walking by, and was about to go talk to him, when he was confronted by someone else. Millard was quietly talking to him about something, and Jacob gave him a weird face. He shook his head semi-aggresively, then walked away. In the sand, I saw a pair of invisible feet walking towards me. I mean, it was easy to see him, since he was fully dressed with a hat and everything, but I'd rather not look at him right now.

"Hello," Millard greeted me, and I just waved back like the awkward idiot that I was.

"What were you talking to Jacob about?" I asked him, trying to avoid The Subject. The one that included me melting everytime I heard his voice, and wishing to never leave his sight ever again. But at the same time, I just wished that this stupid feeling would disappear.

"I'm glad you asked that," seemed to be his whole answer. But then he started again. "I asked him if he would just so happened to have uh, pissed himself the first time he saw the changeover."

I laughed, confused. "Wait, what? Why? Why are you telling me this?"

"We made a bet."

My face dropped. Oh yeah, for a moment there, I completely forgot that I was an indecent person. And why did I do that, exactly? I mean, it didn't matter either way, since I lost the bet, which meant that I owed Millard ten pounds. Was he really expecting me to hold onto that right now? This was definitely not how I expected this conversation to go.

"I wanted to see if I owed you that kiss," Millard explained. "But it seems as if you did not win that bet, but now owe me ten pounds."

I sighed. "Okay, fine. When we get to England, I'll find a way into my parent's bank account and get you the ten pounds,"

"That's not why I'm still talking to you, though," Millard said with a laugh. "Look, I've been looking excuse after excuse to ask you out for an unreasonably long time. (Y/N), I feel like such an idiot around you, and I always get flustered talking to you because you're just perfect in every way and I'd do anything to make you happy."

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