Dreaming of Safety

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I'mmmmmm back! How have you guys been? I've been so lonely the past three weeks of not posting, which shows that I am addicted to posting chapters which makes sense looking at how many chapter I've written in the past three months and..... Okay, now that it's all out of my system, I would like to formally apologize to everyone who read my April Fools chapter. I was trying to see how absurd I could make it while still sticking to a realistic plot. Now, we only have a couple chapters left of this story, and then I'm outta here to write something else. (An original story? Another X-Reader? Who knows!) Anyways, the beginning of this is kinda confusing, but I swear I'm not trying to troll you guys again. Love you!

"I dunno, what do you think?" I asked Millard as I played with his hand. "I personally find the whole thing silly, but that might just be me."

Millard just sighed, and scooted closer to me on the couch. The television was on for background noise as The Brady Bunch played. We were in a living room with ugly brown carpeting and orange wallpaper.

Well, it was either colored that way, or I mentally put another filtered lense on the world like I normally did when I was bored. Never on purpose, of course, and I typically only realized it was there when someone would ask me to change it back because it 'hurts their eyes'.

"I believe that it's a wonderful idea," Millard told me. "Maybe then, Emma will stop complaining about how she never sees us anymore."

I picked at the itchy tank top I was wearing, but at least it was cute and breathable. It smelled like brown sugar, which really went against Mill's more musty book smell that his short sleeved shirt gave off. He looked strange in modern ware, like my old life I had and the newer one I created for myself combined and fused to become a mesh of the two worlds; a huge crossover.

"Well, we should probably start leaving for her place now, shouldn't we, love?" I asked as I stood up and stretched.

My legs were sticking to the brown leather sofa, due to it being incredibly hot in the room, and I mentally reminded myself to fix the thermostat later. But I needed to go visit Emma at the moment; see how her and Jacob were. I vividly remembered finding them the day before, just out on the street, but I still wanted to pop into their house to say hi.

"Mill, mind turning off the telly while I fix myself up a bit?" I asked as I started heading towards the loo.

I heard him reply, but the next thing I knew, I was standing in front of a mirror. I took a hair tie off of my wrist, and pulled my hair up and out of my face. Quietly, I hummed the Brady Bunch theme song while looking for a hairbrush.

"Looking for this?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I turned to find a blond teen leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom. She watched steadily as she threw the hairbrush up in the air, caught it, then handed it to me. White dress, messy hair, and a pale face splattered with freckles. Cold, blue eyes that stared into your soul.

"Thanks," I told her, cautiously taking the brush back, and finally putting my hair up. "Now, if you excuse me, I need to go meet up with Mill if you don't mind."

Heather smiled at me softly. "Oh, course not. Have a good day!"

She scooted over for me to leave, and then patted my back. I just waved at her awkwardly, then made my way back to the living room. Millard was already there, and he seemed to be reading the daily newspaper. It looked very interesting, although the words seemed too blurry for me to actually read. It was like I was more dyslexic than normal.

"Ready to go?" he asked me, tossing the paper back onto the couch.

I pecked him on the cheek, then opened up the front door from behind him. "Yeah, of course!"

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