The Aftermath

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Emma and Jacob raised down the stairs towards us, where Millard made a snide remark about how they look worse than him (which would be saying A LOT). They didn't even say hello, because Jacob pulled on Emma's sleeve, and pointed at a boat that was nearby. And friendly reminder that I knew everything that happens in the loop, save when and where bombs went off. However, I knew that the boat was new and shouldn't be there.

The two dived into the water and tried to swim over to the sub. I wanted to go, too, and was prepping myself to jump in the water. 

"Oh no, you're not!" Bronwyn said as she pulled on my tank top to come back.

"I need to help them!" I told her. "I feel so useless, just standing here and waiting for Emma and Jacob to save our asses."

"You don't have anything left in you, missy," Bronwyn told me. "Plus, you're more useful than Millard."

"Gee, thanks," Millard said sarcastically.

"Let them do whatever it is that they're doing. They probably know more than we do."

So I just waited with Bronwyn and Millard, hoping that the duo out in the water weren't being as dumb and reckless as they normally were. I drummed my fingers on my thigh, and watched anxiously as Emma began swimming towards the submarine. Jacob pulled her back, and seemed to be yelling at her, but Emma kept wanting to follow the boat. Then Emma spotted something a couple meters by them, and went to scoop it up. Finally, they tried to swim back to us, but their energy was failing.

"I'm going to go help them," Bronwyn said, and she dived into the water.

She carried Jacob and Emma back onto dry land, but were immediately bombarded with questions thanks to Millard and Bronwyn. 

"What was that ship doing there?" Millard asked first. "Golan couldn't have been controlling it, could he? It seemed as if he took a nasty fall from the top of the lighthouse."

"And Miss Pergrine and Miss Avocet,"Bronwyn said. "are they okay? What happened to them? What happened to you?"

"Okay, I think that's enough questions," I told my side of the team. "Why don't you just let them explain?"

Emma nodded gravely at me, and said, "Thank you."

Together, Jacob and Emma explained everything that we missed. They talked about how Golan wasn't alone, and he had brought backup. They wanted to get as many ymbrynes as possible so they could recreate their experiment done almost a hundred years ago. Miss Avocet was taken by the wights in the submarine, but Emma managed to save Miss Peregrine.

I hugged Emma almost immediately after, and she hugged back. I made sure to pull Jacob in, too, after a bit, and Bronwyn joined us. Millard being Millard, tried his best to avoid it, and began looking for Emma's canoe.

Emma's boat came floating by us, and bumped into the rocks with Millard inside.

"Anyone need a ride?" He asked.

I helped Emma and Jacob onto the boat, and Emma lit a small fire in the palm of her hand to keep us all warm. The sun had slowly began to set, and being wet and cold didn't exactly feel the best, while a soft wind helped gently blow us to shore. Emma had given Miss Peregrine to Bronwyn, where she was still residing in bird form in Bronwyn's coat.

Our boat washed up onto the beach, where the group of children we left behind ran towards us. They each asked us questions, most of them similar to Bronwyn and Millard's previous ones. "We heard shooting!" "What was that strange boat?" "Where's Miss Peregrine?"

Bronwyn was the first to have gotten out of the boat, and slowly pulled Miss Peregrine out of her coat. She cooed softly, (Miss Peregrine, I mean) and everyone cheered. Hugh congratulated us, while Olive jumped around and sang.

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