I Volunteer As Tribute

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Wattpad: Where you can find siblings from across our very dear, very rectangular Earth. (I'm just kidding about the rectangle part; don't kill me!) Everyone say hi to I_ammyown_aesthetic_ , who's now my half-sister. Sisterly love! This is the last boring chapter, I promise!

"As I'm sure you're all aware, this is by most standards a very poor plan with little hope of success," Emma told our group.

"Which part?" I asked. "Getting through a world who's too busy fighting themselves to help, or the idea of finding the actual wights?"

"Forget the journey!" Addison said (quite overdramatically, might I say). "That's the least of your worries! Perhaps you do not fully understand the circumstances of the ymbrynes' incarceration. Haven't any of you read about the punishment loops in your peculiar history books?"

"Oh course we have," answered Emma.

"Then you'll know that attempting to breach them is tantamount to suicide. They're death traps, every one of them, containing the very bloodiest episodes from London's history--the Great Fire of 1666; the exceedingly lethal Viking Siege of 842; the pestilent height of the terrible Plague! They don't publish temporal maps of these places for obvious reasons. So unless one of you has a working knowledge of the secretest parts of peculiardom..."

"I am a student of obscure and unpleasant loops," Millard offered. That was definitely true. "Been a pet hobby for many years."

"Bully for you!" Addison responded. "Then I suppose you have a way to get past the horde of hollows who'll be guarding their entrances as well!"

Yeah, I defiinitely didn't actually think we would make it this far into the plan. I mean, I was definitely betting on dying when that hollow grabbed my ankle only a couple of hours ago. I'd rather plan for a tomorrow than for a week, knowing that the next 24 hours was more predictable.

"Yeah," Jacob said. "In fact, we do."

"We'd better," Enoch grumbled.

"I believe in you, Jacob," Bronwyn said as she put a hand on his shoulder. "I haven't known you too long, but I feel I know your heart, and it's a strong, true thing--a peculiar heart--and I trust you."

She gave him a side hug, and I saw Jacob become slightly teary eyed. "Thank you."

The dog just shook his head, probably from doubt that we were really this stupid to continue on. And I halfheartedly agreed.

"Madness," he said. "You children have no self-preservation instincts at all. It's a wonder any of you are still breathing."

"Yes, wonderful," Emma said as she clasped her hands together. "Thank you for illuminating us with your opinion."

"It was either him or Enoch," I added with a snort.

"Now, doomsaying aside, I have to ask the rest of you: Are there any objections to what we're proposing?" Emma asked the crowd. "I don't want anyone volunteering because they feel pressured."

I immediatley looked at Horace, knowing that he was going to back down. And it seemed that I was right, because he raised his hand. "If London is where all the wights are, won't going there be walking right into their hands? Is that a good idea?"

"It's a genius idea," Enoch smartly said. "The wights are convinced we peculiar children are docile and weak. Us coming after them is the last thing they'd expect."

"And if we fail? We'll have hand-delivered Miss Peregrine right to their doorstep!"

"We don't know that," Hugh added. "That London is their doorstep."

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