Two Drunk, White, British Teens

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1.14K reads in the span of two months?? You guys are so amazing and I love you all, individually. However, I just noticed that I never implied the perspectives, so just know that if it doesn't tell you who's POV it's in, just go with (y/n). Also, if we hit 2k reads, I was thinking about having a Q&A, and/or share everything that was originally was supposed to happen in the story. Would that be fun? Anyways, happy readings!

Riddle me this: A peculiar girl and guy walk into a bar to find the girl's original posse is drunk at a Welsh bar. One of the drunk teens is passed out on the table, while the other won't stop flirting with the other girls in the pub. How do two sober peculiars sneak them back into a home for peculiars without their ymbryne figuring it out?

The answer.....still hasn't come to me yet, and I was starting to panic a bit.

"What are we even supposed to do? Miss Peregrine will kill us if we bring them home like this!" I told Millard.

"Yeah, but if we don't bring them home at all, we still would get in trouble," Millard said gravely. "Look, I'm with you, (Y/N). This whole thing sucks, but we're not allowed to lose our heads. It'll be fine in the long run."

Millard put a hand on my shoulder, which made my heart skip a beat. I assumed it was because I didn't see it coming, but oddly enough, it felt really relaxing. I took a deep breath in, and tried to settle my nerves.

"Okay, yeah, let's do this." I smiled at Millard. "I should probably get Heather; you deal with Victor."

Heather was across the room, laying on a table with shots glasses surrounding her. She seemed really pathetic with blonde hair in her mouth, and rings under her eyes. As kids, she would often make jokes on how she would become an alcoholic when she was older, but I never thought it would actually happen!

Okay, she wasn't an alcoholic yet, but this was still not a great start for her. She was eighteen, just out of secondary school, and completely wasted. I wasn't even quite sure what to do with her, so I just asked the bar tender for a glass of water. He just grunted, handing me a pint of what I was hoping was drinkable (it was slightly yellow and just nasty in general) and walked back over to Heather.

My original plan was to make her drink some water to sober her up, but I didn't hate her enough to force her to drink from that mug. She didn't even notice me when I snuck up behind her, which was on a new level of pathetic in itself. Then again, she was busy flirting with a girl who seemed to be in her early twenties.

I felt bad for the lady who was buying her the drinks, since she obviously didn't know Heather was underage. In her defense, she did look fairly old for her age, and could pass off as twenty-one if she wanted to.

The lady and Heather were awfully close to each other, and my cousin kept whispering into the villager's ear. Then the woman would giggle, and grip Heather's hand tighter. It would have been cute if I was looking at the scenario as a stranger, but knowing that one of them was my very intoxicated cousin, kind of ruined it. I wanted her to be happy, sure, but she should at least be sober when she meets someone who makes her happy.

I threw the pint of water at Heather's face, sending her into shock. Her eyes went wide, and her shoulders rose up to her ears. She quickly turned to see who did it, and narrowed her eyes when she saw me. I just waved, pretending I wasn't as pissed at her as I actually was.

"Oi, what the hell was that?" She gasped.

"That was reality calling, saying we need to go back home before the bombs go off," I told her. "Millard's waking Victor up right now, and we're sneaking your guys' drunk asses out of here."

"Who's this?" The village woman asked, obviously very confused, but not as drunk as Heather.

Heather put her hand on the woman's face, and said, "This is my cousin that I was telling you about from earlier. The mean one who won't let me do what I want."

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