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K, so rereading MPHFPC, I always thought that there was a large number of kids in the house, and that Tim Burton was silly. Like, I imagined 30 kids, so that's how I wrote this. So just imagine that, then? Yeah, and ALSO I started watching The Umbrella Academy and I fricking love every single character. Can Ben marry me, maybe? Like, even platonically?

Emma turned to our group for ideas. Or, at least, ideas that were better than her own. I mean, I was thinking about swimming out there invisible myself, but I knew Millard would immediately shoot my plan down before it could even be considered. 'It's too dangerous!' And then Emma would ask for him to do it instead, and that's just a huge mess that I didn't want to start.

"If I had my soldiers...." Enoch began.

"They'd fall to bits in the water," Millard added quietly.

Enoch looked sad about this, and everyone else stayed quiet. Background characters, am I right? It seemed as if only a small group of us actually did any work, and the others were just there. Like those two twins in creepy costumes who pull strings out of the slits of their masks? And that girl who has a double reflection in the pool? Or that other pair of twins? I don't even know their bloody names! Fricking useless, man.

"Then it's decided," Emma announced. "Who's in?"

I immediately raised my hand, as well as Jacob and Bronwyn. I thought that would be our team yet again, but surprisingly, Millard said, "You'll need someone the wight can't see without a doubt. Er, no offense, (Y/N)."

I waved it off. "None taken."

"Five's enough," Emma said, although it seemed as if no one else would have volunteered anyway. "Hope you're all strong swimmers."

Goodbyes were short and sweet from everyone except Claire. Because right before I left, she ran up to hug me, and said through teary eyes, "You're not allowed to die!"

I promised her I wouldn't, and had her let me go. I joined up with the rest of my group as we silently trudged down to the shore. When we actually got to the beach, Emma made us huddle up.

"There's a shipwreck between here and the lighthouse," Emma said. "Follow me out to it. Stay low in the water--don't let him see you. When we reach the wreck, we'll look for our man and decided what's next."

"Let's get our ymbrynes back," Bronwyn nodded.

Swimming was never my strong suit. Normally when I was out in water, I only went until the water hit my thighs and I would do some light swimming afterwards. But now in the heat of battle, we had to crawl through the cold water, against the current, and to the shipwreck. Even Bronwyn and Emma were slightly breathless in the end, and we all stood along its rusted hull, with our heads poking up.

Emma urged for us to keep going still, so we ended up going to the end of the wrecks. I guessed that we were maybe fifty or so yards away from the lighthouse rocks. Closer than before, but still more than I'd done in quite a long time. Maybe those swim lessons Emma offered ten years ago would have been smart. 

"Here's what I reckon we should do," Emma said. Okay, time to battle. "He's seen how strong Wyn is, so she's in the most danger. Jacob and I find Golan and get his attention while Wyn sneaks up from behind and gives him a belter over the head with (Y/N) watching her back, making sure she's safe. Meantime, Millard makes a grab for the birdcage. Any objections?"

Almost as if trying to answer, a bullet was shot through the air with a sharp pop. It wasn't too loud, but then again, we were much closer than before. There was a second shot, along with a little splash. Not the good kind of splash where it's little five year-olds with floaties on their arms and goggles that don't fit them jumping into a pool as their mom took a picture. Although imagining Golan (Gollem?) in floaties made it slightly easier to relax.

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