Olive(r Twist)

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I'm rewatching ASOUE on Netflix, and the kids look like fricking children in season one. I am S H O O K
(e/c) - Eye Color

"(Y/N)!" Olive greeted me cheerfully. She made her way over to the couch, where I was currently sitting. "You wouldn't believe what I was able to find today!"

I put down the comic book I was currently reading, (it was X-Men #66, which truly was a strange comic in itself, especially seeing how the antagonist had his own series of comics as a hero, but that's how Stan Lee rolls, I guess), and turned towards Olive, giving her my full attention. Olive seemed really excited about the thing she had been hiding behind her back, and I smiled at her.

"Well, I should probably guess what you found, before you tell me," I said. Then, I tapped my chin, as if in thought. "How about a ghost?"

She shook her head, and I continued on.

"A really old necklace?" I guessed. "A dog? Bronwyn and Claire? A book written in a caesar cipher?"

Olive giggled, and said, "You're close about that last one!"

She brought her arms in front of her, and showed me a beaten up journal. It definitely wasn't Millard's, since he was normally very careful about his journal's state. This one smelled absolutely horrific, and looked like it had seen a lot of bad stuff in its time.

"It's Enoch's diary!" Olive announced happily.

I raised an eyebrow at her. I said, "And you're showing it to me of all people, because...?"

"Because you won't snitch on me like everyone else," Olive said with incredible ease.

I shrugged. Seemed fair enough.

"So, what did you find in there?" I asked, reaching over to open up the journal.

"Not much," my younger friend said. "He has a really messy handwriting, so I can't read it."

"Oh, want me to read it for you, then?" I asked.

She nodded, and handed me the book. I cleared my throat, and turned to the first entry.

"12 of January, 1943." I smiled at Olive, and she smiled back. " 'I hate everyone here, and everyone here hates me. I can sense it in them, and it's quite obvious they're scared of me and my unique abilities. If seems as if only Emma Bloom and Abraham Portman could actually fight me and perhaps beat me (not likely). They are most likely the apex predators of this weak group that supposedly calls themselves a family. (However, I am quite sure that if they were like brother and sister, the wild one and the one that stings wouldn't be shoving their tongues into each other's mouths) Everyone else smiles too much, and really like the outdoors. I personally find it too bright, and–"

"This is getting boring," Olive announced. "Does it ever talk about me?"

I scanned through the entry for her name, and shook my head.

"Then let's skip it," she said. Afterwards, her eyes lit up, and she straightened up again. "Try looking for the 22 of July!"

"Of which year?" I asked.

"Any. That's my birthday, so I must pop up, sooner or later."

I flipped through the book, and found a passage for her birthday in 1956. Of course, I didn't tell her this, since it might have morally wounded her.

"22 of July," I read. "Today, Olive Elephanta is celebrating her 23 birthday, and won't stop talking about it. I tried finding a little present for her, but found nothing in Cairnholm's present that she would find interesting. However, I had attempted to take one of Claire's dolls to wrap up, but Claire ended up catching me in her room, and bit me with the sharper set of teeth she has. That is why my handwriting is shakier today than it normally is, seeing how she bit into my good arm, inducing me in unbearable physical pain.
"Olive can be annoying and talkative most of the time, but I think she just needs more attention than she gets. We all do, honestly."

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