Chapter Seven

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Tapping my finger against the stirring wheel of my Lambo, I didn’t realise I had now made a whole beat as my eyes kept shifting over to the building across the road.

I’ve been sitting in this same spot for the past hour, with a blank mind and a fast beating heart.

Looking down at my gold rolex, I groaned when the time showed it was 10 minutes until my first therapist appointment started .

Did I wanna be here and have some random mother fucker tell me all the things wrong with me ? Fuck no.

But I had to remember I was doing this for Lani. For us.

Letting out a long frustrated sigh, I opening the glove box to get out the paper work they had asked me to fill out but eyes landed on something else.

Inhaling a sharp breath, I licked my lips at the sight

The little bag filled with white powder.

Damn was that a beautiful sight.

Was I addicted? Hell no.

I could survive off the drugs as long as I had Lani, but whose to say I couldnt use that shit for fun, right?

Chuckling bitterly I reached out to grab the bag but stopped short at the sound of my phone going off indicating I had a message.

Groaning I reached in my pocket and pulled it out as a lump in my throat caught at the sight of the name.

Hitting the message, I watched as it popped up and let out a shaky breath as I read it over.

            From: Lanibaby xx

Just wanted to say good luck today at the appointment and let you know how proud I am of you Ty. I love you xoxox

Shaking my head, guilt kicked in at the realisation of what I was about to do before she messaged me.

"This is gonna be harder then I thought", I grumbled out loud as I ran a hand down my face and stepped out of the car.

Locking the door, I crossed the busy road without bothering to check for oncoming traffic and was greeted with honking horns and the sounds of stretching tyres .

"You trying to die?", Some bystander screamed as I stepped onto the sidewalk and laughed at his dramatic antics.

"Die? Na nigga I got a deal with red , I aint going anywhere any time soon", I chuckled as I threw up the deuces and watched as his face showed nothing but confusion at my reference to the devil.

Making my way into the building, I followed the signs until I got to a slick white office decked out with black leather furniture. It looked like nothing more but the office of a over priced therapist who did nothing but milk the money outta ya.

My eyes scanned the room until they fell on the black office desk with a Spanish girl working intently on the computer in front of her.

Walking up I tapped my finger on the desk, getting her attention and as expected ole girl looked like she was about to pass out.

"T-t-t-yson Brown?", She stuttered causing me to raise a eyebrow at her antics.

"Y-y-y-yes?", I mocked causing her to blush and put her head down.

"Um, Uh please take a seat and Dr Freeman will be with you in a moment", She mumbled as she looked everywhere but at me causing a chuckle to leave me lips as I shook my head and took a seat on the leather couch.

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