Chapter Fortytwo

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Tyson was black. Or should I say speedy. Because that was exactly how he was acting, a big ball of energized speed. It had been 2 week since finding out the sex of the baby,  a week and a half later Ty woke up manic but thankfully it wasn’t a bad raging episode. Instead he had an abundance of extra energy, sex drive was through the roof, barely had slept and of cause his rapid mood changes that seemed to be in full effect. He could be hunched over, laughing his life away and literally within a second it would be replaced with a mug and a string of curse words. Lowkey it was entertaining.

Today was Jasmines baby shower and it would be taking place at the new house Jeremiah had brought for them. J had gone through with the idea of getting a new place and less than a week and a half ago he signed the papers of a mansion that was literally a few houses down from us. To say I was excited was an understatement, my bestfriend was literally my neighbour or at least close enough to be considered a neighbour. Anyways, once J signed for their new place, the next few days were filled with the moving process, which of course we all assisted with.

Poor Jas was getting so big that she could barely stand on her feet for too long, so she sat back most of the time while we got her dream house ready. Four days later, once we had finally finished, J decided to throw a mini house warming party with the crew, Lenny, Lacy and Jasmines family. Family get togethers and barbeques had become a frequent event we always enjoyed.

Since the move, Adrian has also been on the hunt for a place within the same street. He couldn’t deal with feeling left out so he even started making offers on houses that weren’t even up for sale. For the time being though, he insisted that he lives at either ours or Jeremiah’s house, with or without Briana. He was such a fool, but we loved him so we allowed him to crash between the two houses. Briana on the other hand was just about ready to kick his ass. She didn’t mind the sleepovers once in awhile, but she also liked staying in her own place with her man. Of course Ace wasn’t trying to hear none of that though and at one point Tyson had to hold her back from beating Ace’s ass.

That brings us back to today. Tyson and Adrian had been causing havoc throughout the house, something that started since Ty fell black. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that Ace loved it when Ty was manic because he like to fuck shit up and Adrian was here for all that. Not only that but the guys had a home game yesterday and they absolutely teared up the court. Tyson was an amazing basketballer when sane, but when he was black, he was even better. Minus the aggressiveness.

That leaves us with today. Though it was suppose to be a good day and it had started off good for that matter, these pregnancy hormones were catching up to me. After two hours of throwing a tantrum as I rummaged through my closet, I had finally found something semi decent to wear. Now looking at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but want to cry at how fat I was looking in this outfit. To make matters worse, when I finally turned away from the mirror and back at the state of our walk in wardrobe, I was ready to crawl in a hole and die. Dresses, jeans and shoes covered the floor on my side and the thought of having to clean it all up had me wanting to pull my hair out.

Taking a few deep breaths, I decided to go find my boys so I can vent and let them cheer me up. After an internal debate, I took one last glance in the mirror and let out a groan at the size of my stomach, feeling my eyes stinging with tears. Putting myself out of torture, I rushed out of the room and headed downstairs and out the back where Tyson, Ace and Isaiah were playing around in our outdoor basketball court. Thankfully, Miami had a cool breeze out so my usual hot and flushed self, embraced the cold wind as I trecked across the yard where I could hear Zay, Ace and Ty laughing.

Stopping at the gate, I fiddled with the latch before heading inside and slumping down on the side bleacher that we had built in. Feeling my lip tremble, I mentally cursed myself out for being a big ball of emotions today and before I could stop myself I felt a few tears run down my face. Letting out a sigh, I rested my back against the seat and tilted my head back as I began to fan my eyes so I wouldn’t smudge my mascara. “Oh shit Lani, I aint notice you there”, I heard Ty grumble followed by laughter coming from Ace, “I’on how you didnt she bright like a orange”, Ace laughed causing me to look over before bursting into tears. Dropping my face into my hands, I heard Ace mumble, ‘Oh shit’, while Ty instantly jogged over.

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